



1. 江苏省连云港市高考考前模拟考试英语读后续写题目:


Middle school is a rough period of life for many of us. And it can feel like the end of the world if you' re the target of school' s mean girls.

Jennifer knew this feeling all too well. When she was in middle school, she was often teased by other kids. Her classmates made fun of her social awkwardness and unfashionable clothes. Then the bullying escalated(升级)to a whole new level in seventh grade when three girls started targeting Jennifer almost every day.

“They would wait for me in the hallway at the end of class so that they could start picking on( 欺负)me right away.” Jennifer said. “And they would corner me in this area of the school called 't he draw off'where they would kind of form a ring around me and insult me."

Jennifer didn' t know what to do to defend herself. So, she' d just repeat back what the girls saidto her.

The rest of the school year went on like this. Jennifer' s grades suffered. During the summer between seventh and eighth grade, the ringleader of the group that had targeted her transferred to another school. “I did hold out some hope that this might mean that eighth grade could be differen t,” Jennifer said.

That hope lasted just a few days into the new school year when Jennifer discovered that the group had a new ringleader-Anna, who had just moved to Jennifer's school. The bullying quickly resumed ( 重新开始),and it seemed like eighth grade would be much like seventh.

But about six weeks into the school year, something happened. Jennifer was in the locker room, and she was by herself because she had waited for everyone else to leave so she could change in private. Just then, she heard a voice. It was Anna.




“My girls tell me that you' ve been insulting them,” She said.

After that moment in the locker room, Jennifer' s whole experience of school changed.


“My girls tell me that you' ve been insulting them," She said. Jennifer felt a knot form in her stomach. She guessed that it was another bullying. Instead, she stayed quiet and waited for Anna to continue. “Look,” Anna said, “I know we' ve had our differences, but I think it' s time for us to put all that behind us. We' re going to be in this school together for another year, and I don't want things to keep going this way.” Jennifer was surprised. She had expected Anna to continue the bullying rather than her making amends. But she also knew that she wanted things to change.She did n' t want to spend another year being bullied and feeling like an outsider. “I' m looking forward to changes,” Jennifer murmured. “Good,” Anna said.“I am too.”

After that moment in the locker room, Jennifer's whole experience of school changed. Over the next few weeks, Anna and Jennifer slowly started to relieve the relationship. It wasn' t easy, for they still had their differences, but they both made efforts to be kind to each other. Slowly but surely,the rest of the group followed their leader. By the end of the school year, Jennifer was amazed at how things had changed. Now, looking back, Jennifer knows that even small acts of kindness and understanding can lead to big changes.

2. 广东省惠州市2023届高三第一次模拟考试英语读后续写题目:


When I was eight or nine years old, I wrote my first poem. My mother read the little poem and began to cry. “Buddy, you didn' t really write this beautiful, beautiful poem!” My mother poured out her praise. I glowed. “What time will Father be home?" I asked. I could hardly wait to show him what I had accomplished. My mother said she hoped he would be home around seven.

I spent the best part of that afternoon preparing for his arrival. First,I wrote the poem out in my finest flourish(花体字).Then I used colored crayon(蜡笔)to draw an elaborate border around it that would do justice to its brilliant content. Then I waited. As 7 o'clock drew near, I confidently placed it right on my father's plate on the dining-room table.

But my father did not return at seven. I admired my father. He was head of Paramount Studios in Hollywood but he had begun his motion picture career as a writer. He would be able to appreciate this wonderful poem of mine even more than my mother.

This evening it was almost 8 o'clock when my father burst in. He was an hour late for dinner. His mood seemed thunderous. He could not sit down but circled the long dining-room table with a drink in his hand,calling down terrible oath(诅咒)on his employees.

Suddenly,he paused and stared at his plate. There was a suspenseful silence.“What is this?”He was reaching for my poem. I lowered my head and stared down into my plate. I was full of anxious daydreams. How wonderful it would be if this very first work of mine drove away the angry clouds that now darkened my important father' s face.

“Ben,a wonderful thing has happened," my mother began. “Buddy has written his first poem! And it's beautiful."

“If you don' t mind, I' d like to decide for myself." Father said.

I kept my face lowered to my plate as he read that poem. It couldn' t have taken very long to read that poem. It was only ten lines. But it seemed to take hours. I could hear him dropping the poem back on the table.


Now came the moment of decision.

A few years later I took a second look at the first poem, and I had to agree with my father' s judgment.


Now came the moment of decision. “I think it' s terrible,” he said. I couldn' t look up. My eyes were getting wet. “Ben,sometimes I don' t understand you," my mother was saying. “This is just a little boy. These are the first lines of poetry he' s ever written. He needs encouragement." “No one says Buddy has to become a poet," my father held his ground. My father' s words hit me over the heart like a hard fist. I couldn' t stand it another second. I ran from the dining-room up to my room, threw myself on the bed and cried the worst of the disappointment out of me.

judgment. It was a pretty terrible poem. As I worked my way into other books and plays and films, it became clearer and clearer to me how fortunate I had been. I had a mother who said, “Buddy,did you really write this? I think it' s wonderful!" and a father who shook his head and drove me to tears with, “I think it' s lousy.” In fact, every one of us in life needs that mother force and father force. Between the two poles of praise and doubt, both in the name of love,we try to follow my true course.

3. 2023河北省临考信息卷英语读后续写题目:


On Saturday, my family and I went to do the shopping. Every checkout was full of trolleys (手推车).Traffic jams were everywhere.

This was going to be hard work. Dad said, “We need to work together.Ollie-you push the trolley. Jessica-you check the list. I'll do the running and grabbing. ” He nodded at us. “Follow me, team.” Ollie ran off ahead with the trolley and headed for the fruit and vegetables. I chased after him with the list.

“Wait, kids,” Dad said. We had gone past the flower stand. Dad laughed, “ We may be in a rush, but you still have to take time to smell the roses. " He picked out a big bunch of yellow flowers. “You know winter is over when you see these. ” He put the flowers at the front of the trolley in the special holder. “Now we can get down to shopping.”




So far,so good.

But straight away we hit a wall of shoppers and had to stop. Dad said,“This is taking too long. Time for the 'park and ride'.”“Park and ride?” asked Ollie.“We leave the trolley parked here. Split the list up three ways and go back and forth,” said Dad. “OK.”we said. Anything to get out of that supermarket faster.




Ollie and Dad raced through their lists too, and in no time we were at the checkout. Dad picked up a magazine to read while we waited. After paying for all the items, we came out. “You were great helpers,” said Dad. “We'll have a roast dinner tonight!”

But it was when we got home and got the shopping bags into the house that I noticed that something was missing, “Dad, where are your flowers? The flowers were not there. " “That's odd,”said Dad looking around. “Hold on,” said Ollie unpacking a bag. “What's this?” He held up a box.




Dad turned the box over and looked at the label, saying “I don't remember buying that.”

Suddenly it struck me that maybe we can make a dish out ofall those vegetables and meat from the wrong trolley.


Dad turned the box over and looked at the label, saying “I don't remember buying that.” He reached inside the bags. his face getting more puzzled. There were some of the things from our list, but there was a lot that wasn't. “You know what's happened? We've taken the wrong trolley!"He sighed.“It must have happened during the 'park and ride',” said Ollie. “And at the checkout you were reading that magazine."But it was impossible to return and exchange the stuff.“There's no roast dinner.” Dad said and held up the spices again. "And what on earth do we do with these?"

Suddenly it struck me that maybe we can make a dish out ofall those vegetables and meat from the wrong trolley. I told my idea to Dad. “Well, we can have a try." he said. Then we all set out to work. Dad began to chop some onions and Ollie fried them in butter while I gave them instructions according to the recipe found online. One hour later, the dining-table was filled with the most amazing smell. We were so delighted at our unexpected dinner. “I wonder what our mystery shopper thought of our shopping list.”I asked. “I'm sure they are enjoying those flowers." said Dad. And we all laughed.

4. 2023届江苏省扬州市高三考前调研测试英语读后续写题目:


Roses are red,violets are blue,

Sugar is sweet, and so are you.

Those words were what one of my new classmates wrote to me in an autograph book(签名簿)when I moved with my family to a new country, feeling extremely lonely.

Having settled in a completely unfamiliar place, my father and mother worked day and night to provide for the family,though we were still in debt. I spoke a little English and was sent to a public schoo1.Being ten years old,I was placed in the fourth grade. Some of the children in the class tried to be friendly but I didn't have time to hang around with them after my lessons because I had to help with the housework and look after my little brothers and sisters.

At the end of the school year all the kids were excited about going to camp, a concept that was quite foreign to me.Also foreign to me were some of the customs the children had. The strangest one was the “autograph book"! It was a blank book, about four by six inches, with pages in different colors. My schoolmates exchanged their autograph books with each other and wrote silly messages on the pages. These messages made no sense to me: "Yours till the kitchen sinks."“Yours till the horse flies.”“Yours till Niagara falls.”(永远属于你)Teachers and older relatives wrote more serious and practical words like a prayer or wish-I remember something about a “wise owl living in a tree”(少说话多做事的人).

The boy whose desk was next to mine asked me to write a few words in his autograph book. I didn't know what to say, so I just signed my name. Then he asked if he could write in my autograph book. I explained I didn't have one, embarrassed and upset.




That night when I went to bed, I felt sorry for myself.

The next day,the boy sitting beside me whispered he wanted to give me something at break.


That night when I went to bed, I felt sorry for myself. I couldn't help but think about how different my life was from that of my classmates. They all seemed to have so much more than me. I was missing out on all the fun that my classmates were having just because I was an immigrant. Tears rolling down my checks. I felt lonely and hopeless.How I wished 1 could have a life without anxiety for food and clothes and a school life where I could fit in happily.

The next day,the boy sitting beside me whispered he wanted to give me something at break.During break,he handed me a beautifully-decorated autograph book,saying he had made it for me and that I could have special memories of our time with it in our fourth grade together. I was touched by those warm words written in the gift, tears welling up in my eyes.I felt included and accepted for the first time after arriving in America. From that day forward,I realized there were always people who were willing to help and make a difference in someone's life.

5. 2023届安徽省皖江联盟高三最后一卷联考5月英语读后续写题目:


It was just past midnight. The stars were shining across the sky. Nicholas Bostic,a 38-year-old driver, was still out on his evening pizza delivery shift. With his favorite music on,he enjoyed the soft wind kissing his fnce.As he drove past a two-story house around a street corner, he was shocked at the frightening sight:It was on fire! He stopped his car and rushed over to assess the situation and to determine if anyone might be trapped inside.He reached for his phone to dial 911, but realized he left it at home.He didn't hear sirens(警报)in the distance.Nor did he sce any bystanders dialing the fire department. Nicholas feared the home's sleeping occupants might not wake up in time to move to safety.

With no time to waste, he made the courageous decision to enter the home on his own without protective gear(护具).He gained entry through the back door.He rushed upstairs,yelling“fire!" throughout the home. The oldest child,Seionna,heard his screams and woke up. She woke up her younger sister and afriend who had stayed the night. She then ran to grab her 1-year-old baby sister.

Nicholas called out to the terrified girls and instrcted them to follow him.The sisters-Seionna, 18; Shaylee,13;and Kaleia,1-and their family friend, Livian,13,followed his directions to escape to the safety of the streel.

“For a minute I didn't understand it," Shaylee recalled. “But my sister ran upstairs with the baby in her hands,yelling at us to get up because there's a fire. That's when we went downstairs, and Nicolas was downstairs helping us."

Once outside in the fresh air, the girls shook in fear and coughed from the smoke. However,they soon realized that their 6-year-old sister,Kaylani, had not escaped with them.



Without hesitation, Nicholas rushed back into the now flame-filled home.

As flames shot at his feet, he broke the window's glass with his bare hand.


Without hesitation, Nicholas rushed back into the now flame-filled home. He rushed up the stairs and madlysearched for the missing girl room by room. Nicholas finally heard a faint cry. Covering his mouth and nose withhis shirt, he followed the voice through the dense smoke. Once he found her, he held her up and attempted tomake his way out. He couldn't see anything except a glimmer of light coming from the upstairs bedroom,so hequickly decided to escape from the bedroom window.

As flames shot at his feet, he broke the window's glass with his bare hand. He covered the young girl inblankets to protect her from the flames. Holding Kaylani tightly, he jumped out of the second-story window. As helanded on the ground, he turned to his side and broke Kaylani's fall with his own body. People cheered for theirnarrow escape. The little girl was safe and sound but Nicholas was hurt from the fall. Kaylani's parents feltincredibly grateful to Nicholas and later the city honored Nicholas for his deed, saying his courageous andextraordinary actions exemplify the value of bravery.

6. 2023届广东省深圳市高级中学高三下学期三模英语读后续写题目:


I looked up from my desk to see the teacher writing on the board: "Battle of the Books!" She smiled and said, "This time it's a teamwork. You're going to be in teams of two, and set a reading goal. Every team that meets their goal by the end of the month will get a prize!" The lunch bell sounded before she could explain any more rules.

As I gathered my things, Liya passed my desk and said, "Teammates?" Since Liya and I shared the same interest in graphic novel (漫画小说),and we took Hindi language class together,we teamed up automatically.I was both relieved and excited to have my team. Then we got to the cafeteria and quickly threw out a bunch of ideas of what to do at our table.

I looked to our third friend Kash, with whom the three of us always do stuff together, "Kash, do you have ideas for us?" "Why would I give you guys ideas?" he said gloomily(阴沉地)."I'll save that for my team...whoever that is. Now I see how I rank in the friendship lineup. " Kash replied in an angry tone.

I knew he was mad for a reason. If I were him,not only would I think that I ranked last in that group, but I'd also be panicking about what team I could join. But now, I was on the inside and Kash wasn't. I felt like the only way to fix this would be three people on a team.So,as the teacher walked by our table,I asked for her permission. What surprised me was that she had intended to draw names to assign random groups, but didn't get a chance to say it before lunch.

Awkward and frustrated, we were stuck in this dilemma. Having first teamed up without Kash didn't mean we didn't like him. I knew we --especially I--wouldn't be able to enjoy any prize if our friend felt bad about being left out. So, I decided to do something to make it up for him and convince Kash he was an equal friend.




That night, I was struck by an idea as I read a graphic novel that all three of us liked.

The next day, I handed my pages of apology to Kash.


That night, I was struck by an idea as I read a graphic novel that all three of us liked. Thrilled and inspired, I sprang in front of my desk,racked my brains and started drawing a few scenes of three of us giggling, chattering and enjoying each other's company like we usually did. On the last page, I wrote,“Dear Kash, you are not the one left behind. Liya and I are so sorry about the way we messed things up.” Pierced to the heart with guilt,I gingerly tucked the paintings into an envelope, hoping this would be an icebreaker.

The next day, I handed my pages of apology to Kash. He took it, looking surprised at the first sight. After he read it, an expression of intense joy illuminated his eyes. Blushed, I broke the silence, “I'm sorry, dude. We should have talked to you.” With her eyes fixed on the floor, Liya came over and apologized in a low voice, “You mean a lot to us.” Hearing her words,Kash shook his head and beamed, “I was way too sensitive.” We exchanged a knowing smile, realizing that sincerity, trust and communication were always the key to clearing up tthe misunderstanding between friends.