



第一部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
Many people have the desire to travel when summer approaches.The following is to help you narrow down your options.
San Diego
San Diego,located on the Pacific,offers enough outdoor attractions to satisfy all kinds of summer travelers.Families will enjoy exploring San Diego Zoo.No matter what type of traveler you are,the eye-catching architecture and beautiful gardens that make up Balboa Park won’t disappoint.And as for the beaches,San Diego’s variety of shorelines means you’11 never be bored.
Bar Harbor
Bar Harbor,Maine’s proximity(临近)to Acadia National Park makes it an impressive spot to hang your hat in summer.While the distance to the park is undoubtedly one of Bar Harbor’s selling points,you should save room on your route to explore this charming coastal town.Book aboat or whale watching tour on the bay or take a walk along the scenic Shore Path for inspiringviews of the Atlantic Ocean.
If all you care about is being at the beach during your summer vacation,choose Bermuda.Temperatures during this time of year make summer the best time to catch rays on the sand andswim in warmer Atlantic waters.Chill out along beautiful shorelines such as Horseshoe Bay Beach (the most popular beach),Elbow Beach(the pinkest)and Warwick Long Bay(the longest).
Edinburgh’s northern U.K.location means that warm weather is rare.Each summer,the city hosts the famous Edinburgh Festival Fringe(the world’s largest arts festival),drawing visitors from around the planet.Aside from this fun summer event,travelers can experience Edinburgh’s green,sun-bathing landscape.
1.Which place is suitable for every traveler in San Diego?
A.The Pacific. B.San Diego Zoo. C.Balboa Park.D.The beaches.
2.What can you do in Bar Harbor?
A.Watch whales on the bay. B.Sunbathe on the beach.
C.Dive in the Atlantic Ocean.D.Wander in Acadia National Park.
3.Where can you go if you are interested in music?
A.San Diego. B.Edinburgh. C.Bar Harbor.D.Bermuda.
A blind skateboarder has proven that his lack of sight won’t stop him from living a normallife—and now he’s learned some of the most complicated tricks.
Dan Mancina,34,from Michigan,the US,was diagnosed with retinitis pigmentosa at 13,a rare genetic disease and it causes loss of vision.Around five years ago,Dan lost his vision completely and now is defined as a blind person—but refuses to let it hold him back.Dan said that he was discouraged by other people’s behaviors and was determined to prove people wrong,so he started skateboarding,practiced every day,and soon he was landing trick after trick.
Dan started performing tricks that some might not expect a blind person to be able to do—like throwing darts(飞镖)—but they would be wrong.He said he felt a need to prove himself to those who doubted his abilities.So Dan,who has been skateboarding since he was seven years old,recently posted a video of himself performing a trick on the Internet.
The experience reminded him of his love for the sport and inspired him to continue pursuinghis passion,but now his methods are somewhat different.Before skating at a park,Dan uses a stick to measure the different ramps(斜坡)and corners,and get a feel for the area.He also uses a beeper box or a Bluetooth speaker to bounce the sounds off anything in the environment—such asa nearby road—warning him of any dangers in the area.
The skateboarder said,“I get a mental map of the area where I am and use every other sense I have.I'm always trying to progress and keep pushing myself further and further.I have certain goals that I want to achieve.One day I want to film full-length skateboard videos without any cuts.That’s really my goal.”
4.What happened to Dan Mancina when he was thirteen?
A.He became completely blind. B.He was not allowed to skateboard.
C.He suffered from a severe eye disease.D.He got injured while skateboarding.
5.Why did Dan perform complicated tricks?
A.To show he could live a normal life. B.To achieve his childhood dream.
C.To shoot a video about his success in life.D.To become the focus of public attention.
6.What does paragraph 4 mainly talk about?
A.Dan’s training field. B.Dan’s passion for sport.
C.Dan’s training equipment.D.Dan’s preparations for skateboarding.
7.What can we learn from the story?
A.He who laughs last laughs best. B.All that ends well is well.
C.Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.D.A good beginning makes a good ending.
Located off the coast of Croatia,in the Adriatic Sea,Baljenac is a tiny island covered by a series of dry-stone walls that make it look like a giant fingerprint when seen from above.
The oval-shaped island of Baljenac is covered by a 23-kilometer-long network of dry-stone walls.You’d think it was an ancient labyrinth(迷官),if not for the fact that the walls are about waist high and designed only to make agriculture easier in an unfriendly place.The rocky land and strong winds aren’t exactly perfect for the growth of plants,so the natives of the nearby island of Kaprije built these stone walls to separate their crops and offer them some protection.It’s a technique used in other parts of Europe,like England or Ireland,but nowhere else do these walls copy the pattern of a human fingerprint as they do on Baljenac Island.
The uninhabited island has a surface of only 0.14 square kilometers but features 23 kilometers of walls created simply by piling rocks on top of each other.The same type of walls are used on Kaprije and Zut,but Baljenac has by far the highest concentration by surface area.
Most of the stone wall network is believed to have been built during the 19th century,butboth Baljenac and Kaprije served as safe shelters for Christians during the Ottoman conquests (征服)of the 16th and 17th centuries,so some parts of the wall could be even older.
Ever since aerial photos of Baljenac started spreading on the Internet,the popularity of the fingerprint island has grown considerably as has tourist presence in the area.Although locals welcome visitors,some worry about the damage suffered by the walls at the hands of ill-mannered tourists.
The Croatian government has requested that UNESCO include this island in its list of worldheritage sites,which will not only boost its popularity even more but also guarantee Baljenac higher protection from the local authorities.
8.Why were the dry-stone walls built on Baljenac?
A.To protect crops from animal attacks. B.To make it easier to grow crops.
C.To attract tourists to the island.D.To serve as a cultural symbo1.
9.What are some locals concerned about?
A.The strong winds from the sea. B.The lack of protection from UNESCO.
C.The collapse of the stone walls.D.The damage done to the walls by tourists.
10.What is the purpose of the text?
A.To introduce a famous fingerprint island.
B.To make an advertisement for a special island.
C.To find out the secret of the fingerprint island.
D.To call on people to protect the stone walls on Baljenac.
11.Where does the text most probably come from?
A.A travel website. B.A science report.
C.A history book.D.A financial magazine.
Can you really find out where someone is from based on how they queue(排队)?And why—across the world—do some queues seem to take forever,while others,even of the same waiting time,seem to go relatively quickly?
Richard Larson,Massachusetts Institute of Technology professor and a world expert on queues,as well as various social scientists,believes how you queue does,in fact,often give away your origin.In the United States,how people queue even depends on which city they are from.“One of my findings is that you can tell a lot about the social culture of citizens by watching theirmicro behavior in queues.People in Boston,New York and Washington D.C.all queue in different ways,”he says.“In Washington,people queue at a random point in a sidewalk.These are government workers who know that the bus stops at this place at 4:05,so they queue up dutifully—first come first serve.I have never seen any such behavior in New York or Boston.”
No matter how“good”the queuers are,though,scientists agree that for the queue to function,it needs to be fair.As long as people are served in the order they are lined up,queue anger can be avoided.
This is the ideabehind the winding queue behind ropes or barriers where,when you reach the front,you are directed to the next available server.It’s no faster than having individual lines all the way through.But it does mean that no one arriving after you will get served before you.
The final moments of the queue are also important.Research by INSEAD business school professor Ziv Carmon and Princeton University psychology professor Daniel Kahneman foundthat if our wait ends on a happy note—for instance,if the queue speeds up at the end—we will view that experience more positively,even if for most of the time we were very uncomfortable,quietly cursing(骂)the person in front.
12.How does the author introduce the topic?
A.By analyzing facts. B.By presenting findings.
C.By raising questions.D.By making comments.
13.Which of the following statements may Richard Larson agree with?
A.Some people get more pleasure from queuing up than others.
B.The way you queue is a reflection of your cultural background.
C.People from Washington behave better than those from Boston.
D.The understanding of social distance varies from place to place.
14.What does the underlined part“the idea”in paragraph 4 refer to?
A.Queuing patiently. B.No pain no gain.
C.Queuing randomly.D.First come first serve.
15.What can we infer from the last paragraph?
A.One should take a positive attitude towards queuing.
B.It is a good idea to keep queuing until the last moment.
C.Waiting in a queue is anything but a pleasant experience.
D.The movement speed of a queue might make a difference.
The Art of Recycling
Recycling is not new.Many civilizations have reused objects.However,recycling is more important today because there is more pollution and fewer natural resources.16 Others use these recycled materials to make art!
17Artists use old tires,pieces of metal,cloth,etc.These materials might come from yard sales or swap meets(旧物交换会).In addition,businesses might give used materials to artists.
18For example,artists in New York City made a sculpture that looked like a giant white cloud.The sculpture,called“Head in the Clouds”,was more than 40 feet long and 15 feet high! People walked into the cloud sculpture and danced to live music.19 That’s the number of water bottles that are thrown into the trash every hour in New York City!The artists wanted toshow how many water bottles ended up in the garbage.
Many art projects are shown at outdoor art and music festivals.Many cities even have festivals specifically for recycled art.
Museums also exhibit recycled art.A museum in Texas allowed visitors to add to the art on display.The project was called the“Recycle Reef(珊瑚礁) .”The background looked like an ocean reef,and people added to the“reef’with the recycled materials provided. 20
Have you made something using paper towel tubes or water bottles? If so,you’ve made recycled art.
A.Not all recycled art is big,though.
B.Almost anything can be recycled into art.
C.Recycled art often says something about our world.
D.They even recycled the exhibit after the show ended.
E.Some people might recycle cans and bottles at home.
F.Others bring home plastic and cardboard that can be recycled.
G.The artists used over 53,000 recycled water bottles to make the cloud.
第二部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
Zhu Caiping,73,was diagnosed with mild cognitive impairment(认知障碍)three years ago.She found that anxiety,depression and even looking down on herself became 21 in her life.It was not until last year,after she 22 a reality show and became a restaurant server,that her23 began to improve dramatically.
The restaurant in Shanghai where she 24 is the Forget Me Not Cafe,a bricks-and- mortar spinoff(衍生物)of the reality show of the same name.The restaurant shares the reality show’s 25 of providing job opportunities for elderly people who 26 Alzheimer’s disease or other cognitive impairments.
The cafe 27 eight elderly people with cognitive impairments who take turns workingwith other waiters to help customers.
“I provide 28 services for guests,such as pouring water,serving and taking orders.I can now remember all the dishes on the 29 ,”said Zhu,who has come to the restaurant three times a week since February and works three hours a day.“The colleagues take good care of us.They never allow us to 30 hot dishes such as soups.The guests are also very 31 of us,because sometimes we make 32 ,”she added.
Because of 33 loss,Zhu writes down all the information she wants to 34 on sticky notes.“But I really became 35 and confident because of being here,”she said.
21.A.rare B.normal C.similar D.different
22.A.looked for B.made up C.turned down D.participated in
23.A.image B.situation C.service D.1evel
24.A.operates B.manages C.works D.eats
25.A.goal B.advertisement C.profit D.communication
26.A.know about B.worry about C.suffer from D.recover from
27.A.treats B.employs C.sponsors D.recommends
28.A.public B.special C.good D.basic
29.A.menu B.counter C.table D.book
30.A.cook B.sell C.deliver D.taste
31.A.proud B.tolerant C.fond D.afraid
32.A.mistakes B.promises C.decisions D.efforts
33.A.weight B.hearing C.sight D.memory
34.A.send B.analyze C.remember D.adapt
35.A.happy B.wealthy C.brave D.generous
Since the earliest time,philosophy(哲学)has inspired new ideas and concepts,with the aim of encouraging independence,creativity and 36 (origin)thought.
UNESCO established World Philosophy Day in 2002 to encourage philosophical reflectionworldwide.Now it 37 (hold)on the third Thursday of November every year.It is a day that is observed publicly,although it's not 38 public holiday anywhere in the world.
The day’s purpose is to encourage people 39 (share)their thoughts,discuss new concepts frankly and debate the challenges 40 (face)today’s society.It’s also a time to celebrate and share mankind’s philosophical heritage(遗产),and for opening your mind 41new ideas.The initiative is 42 (wide)marked across the world,in countries as diverse as Turkey,Chile,France and Morocco among others.
UNESCO’smajor belief is 43the sort of analysis and reflection philosophy offers should be present in all subjects that try to create a 44 (great)understanding of the modernworld and its challenges.
Philosophy provides the conceptual basis for the values and principles shaping the potentialfor world peace—human rights,justice and 45 (equal).Reflection on modern society’s problems and still-to-be-answered questions remains at the core of philosophical thinking.
第三部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
One day,when I was a freshman in high schoo1.I saw a kid from my class walking home from schoo1.His name was Kyle.It looked like he was carrying all of his books.I thought to myself,“Why would anyone bring home all his books on a Friday? He must be silly.”I had quite a weekend planned,so I shook my head and went on.
As I was walking,I saw a group of kids running toward him.They ran at him,knocking all his books out of his arms and he landed in the dirt.His glasses went flying.He looked up and I saw this terrible sadness in his eyes.
My heart went out to him.So.I ran to him.As he was looking for his glasses,I saw tears in his eyes.I handed him his glasses.He looked at me and said,“Thanks!”There was a big smile on his face.It was one of those smiles that showed real gratefulness.I helped him pick up his books,and asked him where he lived.It turned out he lived near me,so I asked him why I had never seen him before.He said he had gone to private school before coming to this schoo1.
We talked all the way home.and I carried his books.He turned out to be a pretty cool kid.I asked him if he wanted to play football on Saturday with me and my friends.He said yes.The more I got to know Kyle,the more I liked him.Monday morning came,and Kyle carried all his books again.I stopped him and helped him carry half the books.Over the next four years,Kyle and I became best friends.
When we were seniors,Kyle was the best student in our class.He was chosen to give a speech at the coming graduation ceremony.
When graduation day arrived,I saw Kyle and found he was a little nervous.
Kyle said he had planned to quit school that day before he saw me.