





Sites for free online education enable you to learn courses in your comfortable place.The courses of these websites are offered by top universities.You can learn a specific subject without much investment.These websites offer many videos,articles,and e-books to increase your knowledge.
Coursera is a free learning platform that offers MOOCs courses from well-known universities.All courses contain pre-recorded video lectures that you can watch when it is convenient for you.Coursera has programs together with universities that allow you to get a master's degree.You can explore various college courses without any trouble.
CodeHS is a learning site that's specially designed for students to learn computer science.This website provides lesson plans where you can access various resources to learn it.The courses are designed in a way that suits your personal needs.The videos can be viewed online as well as offline.
Khan Academy
This site is useful to match your learning goals.You choose this site to personalize your learning experience.This free platform can be used for learners and teachers.The resources of this site are available online as well as offline.The content of Khan Academy is available in English,French,German,and more.
Connections Academy
Connections Academy is the best online course website that helps students to learn from home.The courses of this platform are designed for elementary school and middle school.The site provides personalized learning experiences and enables you to easily meet teachers and classmates in the virtual classroom.

1.What's special about CodeHS ______

A. It satisfies personalized needs.
B. It focuses on a particular subject.
C. It offers access to video resources.
D. It serves both learners and teachers.

2.Which of the following best suits junior high students ______

A. Coursera. B. CodeHS.
C. Khan Academy. D. Connections Academy.

3.What is the purpose of this text ______

A. To recommend learning sites. B. To introduce various courses.
C. To share on-line experiences. D. To guide off-campus students.


Wang Shuang was just five when her parents divorced,dropped her at her uncle's and left.Football,as it often is,became an escape.
At seven,she was spotted by coach Xu Yilong,who found Wang quick in her playful behaviour.As the only girl in the boys' team,Wang's performances were impressive,earning her the nickname "Iron Girl. " And soon,she sensed the sport's power.Football allowed her to "release herself" and realize "whatever happens,football never leaves you alone. "
However,life was never smooth sailing.The constant jibes
(嘲讽)from some people,who always tried to push her down and destroy her hopes,affected her so deeply that she lost confidence. "They were saying I had no talent at all.Gradually,I felt really so." Wang once wrote.But never did she stop playing.When she was called up to the national team,aged 17Wang thought,"MeAre you sure" When a world-famous club wanted to sign her,she was "excited that an excellent coach thought I was good. " It was only then that she felt confident in her abilities. "I felt recognized.Perhaps I had a bit of talent after all. "
Not any "bit of talent"
the genius is praised as China's once-in-a-generation player.
China is a pioneer of women's football in Asia and has won the continental championship eight times,including seven straight titles between 1986 and 1999.That was their golden age.Gradually,though,the dynasty declined.It is hoped that Wang will inspire the women's football of the country to its former height.
Coaches are almost always hesitant to speak about individual players.But when coach Shui was asked about Wang before the match against Vietnam,she couldn't stop mentioning her influence on the team.Unfailingly performing on the big stage,Wang did not let her team down.When they lacked a quality ball,she delivered two high assists that finally led her team into the last-four clash 
"Nobody knows how hard it was," declared Wang after the match. "We overcame difficulties.We also showed our strong spiritual power.I am proud of my team."

4.What can we infer about Wang from the second paragraph ______

A. She earned a living on her own.
B. She was released from the team.
C. She was laughed at by the boys.
D. She found a sense of belonging.

5.How did Wang regain faith in her abilities ______

A. By winning recognition.
B. By obtaining inspiration.
C. By playing in the national team.
D. By ignoring other people's jibes.

6.Which would best describe coach Shui's attitude to Wang ______

A. Conservative. B. Contradictory.
C. Favourable. D. Demanding.

7.What's the best title for the text ______

A. Wang ShuangA Steel Rose
B. Wang ShuangA Child Genius
C. Wang ShuangA Football Pioneer
D. Wang ShuangA Golden Age Creator


Endangered polar bears are breeding (繁殖) with grizzly bears (灰熊),creating "pizzly" bears,which is being driven by climate change,scientists say.
As the world warms and Arctic sea ice thins,starving polar bears are being forced ever further south,where they meet grizzlies,whose ranges are expanding northwards.And with that growing contact between the two come increasing hybrids 
With characteristics that could give the hybrids an advantage in warming northern habitats,some scientists guess that they could be here to stay. "Usually,hybrids aren't better suited to their environments than their parents,but these hybrids are able to search for a broader range of food sources, " Larisa DeSantis,an associate professor of biological sciences at Vanderbilt University,told Live Science.
The rise of "pizzly" bears appears with polar bears' decline
their numbers are estimated to decrease by more than 30% in the next 30 years.This sudden fall is linked partly to "pizzly" bears taking up polar bears' ranges,where they outcompete them,but also to polar bears' highly specialized diets.
"Polar bears mainly consumed soft foods even during the Medieval Warm Period,a previous period of rapid warming," DeSantis said,referring to fat meals such as seals. "Although all of these starving polar bears are trying to find alternative food sources,like seabird eggs,it could be for their survival. " Actually,the calories they gain from these sources do not balance out those they burn from searching for them.This could result in a habitat ready for the hybrids to move in and take over,leading to a loss in biodiversity if polar bears are replaced.
"We're having massive impacts with climate change on species," DeSantis said. "The polar bear is telling us how bad things are.In some sense, "pizzly" bears could be a sad but necessary compromise given current warming trends. "

8.Why do polar bears move further south ______

A. To create hybrids. B. To expand territory.
C. To relieve hunger. D. To contact grizzlies.

9.What makes "pizzly" bears adapt to natural surroundings better than their parents ______

A. Broader habitats. B. More food options.
C. Climate preference. D. Improved breeding ability.

10.What does the underlined phrase "a tipping point" in paragraph 5 refer to ______

A. A rare chance. B. A critical stage.
C. A positive factor. D. A constant change.

11.What's the main idea of the text ______

A. Polar bears are changing diets for climate change.
B. Polar bears have already adjusted to climate change.
C. "Pizzly" bears are on the rise because of global warming.
D. "Pizzly"bears have replaced polar bears for global warming.


The rechargeable lithium-ion (锂离子)battery market is worth more than 50 billion.Lithium-ion batteries,whose demand continues to go up day by day,are used in a wide range of electronic devices.They are made of four main components,and cathode (阴极) is one of them.The cathode's active material type is what determines the capacity of a battery.
A recent study,led by Wang Yan,a material scientist of Worcester Polytechnic Institute,finds that lithium-ion batteries made with recycled cathodes work better than those with new cathodes.
"The battery industry is expected to grow sharply in the next decade.This high demand has led companies to go to extremes,like increasing deep-sea mining,to gain access to the minerals used in lithium-ion batteries," Wang said. "Mining minerals will have environmental impacts.Recycling spent lithium-ion batteries offers a way out. "
But until now,the prospect of using recycled materials in lithium-ion batteries has some manufacturers
(制造商)worrying that it could impact performance.Thus,lithium-ion batteries are still not widely recycled.Aware of decreasing resources and environmental impact,Wang and other researchers set out to find a way to make recycling lithium-ion batteries economically practical.Through experiments,they could recover more than 90% of the key metals from spent batteries.These recovered metals became the basis of the new recycled battery's cathode's active material.
In tests between Wang's team's recycled batteries and brand-new batteries of the same composition,the recycled batteries outperform the new ones in their ability to maintain capacity.It took 11
600 charge cycles for recycled cathode batteries to lose 30 percent of their original capacity.That was about 50 percent better than the 7600 observed cycles for new cathode batteries,the team reported.Those thousands of extra cycles could translate into years of better battery performance,even after repeated use and recharging.

12.What can we learn about lithium-ion batteries from the first paragraph ______

A. They are high in price.
B. They are in great demand.
C. They are limited in use.
D. They are simple in composition.

13.What does Wang mainly talk about in paragraph 3 ______

A. The target users of recycled batteries.
B. The ways to get minerals for batteries.
C. The major reasons for recycling batteries.
D. The complex process of recycling batteries.

14.What are the manufacturers concerned about ______

A. Declining mineral resources.
B. Difficult recycling techniques.
C. Serious environmental problems.
D. Inefficient battery performance.

15.Which of the following details best supports the main idea of the text ______

A. The battery industry is going to develop dramatically.
B. Recycling batteries reduces impact on the environment.
C. Scientists can recover key materials from spent batteries.
D. Recycled batteries outperform new ones in charging circles.

Career coaches provide a series of services,from helping you figure out what you want to do to exploring chances for career growth. (1) To make it all worthwhile,some helpful tips are offered here to help you choose a right coach.
Know what type of professional you need to hire.
 (2) In other words,they help you explore your future career possibilities and figure out what is stopping you from advancing in your development.
(3) Go into your coaching relationship with an idea of what you think you need from them,but be willing to think about their guidance on what other measures may make you more successful- for example,Business Value training to make sure you'll be satisfied in a new job.
Try sample lessons to find the right one.Most coaches offer free sample lessons,which help you get to know their styles clearly.You may need a coach with career experiences,or you may need one who offers life advice.If you aren't sure what you want,ask questions.
Consider cost,and make contact.Coaching fees are not the same.Some coaches charge more for polishing resumes(简历),while others include that in the overall price. (5) Once you're clear about it,you can make your decision and communicate with the chosen coach.

A.Make sure you have a well-designed resume.
B.You need to understand what you're receiving for the expense.
C.Career coaches also provide services for your personal training.
D.Thus,you can assess whether the coach understands your needs.
E.Engaging with a career coach requires an investment of time and money.
F.Know which services you need and be open to services you don't know you need.
G.Career coaches can help you decide how to make full use of your professional potential.

16.A. A B. B C. C D. D E. E F. F G. G

17.A. A B. B C. C D. D E. E F. F G. G

18.A. A B. B C. C D. D E. E F. F G. G

19.A. A B. B C. C D. D E. E F. F G. G

20.A. A B. B C. C D. D E. E F. F G. G

The school where Rachel teaches serves free meals to its students.Before her adoring students left for their new year vacation,they(21) her with lots of gifts.But one gift from a girl,in particular,(22)her heart.
This girl wanted to get Rachel something so
(23) but had nothing to give.So rather than offer nothing,she(24)her free breakfast cereal (混合麦片)at school.
She took the
(25)to pick every dried grape,the favorite part of her breakfast,out of her cereal and(26)them as an unusual new year present for her teacher.
Rachel posted the
(27)story on Facebook,hoping to help people gain some(28)for what they have in their lives- because even when this youngster had nothing to offer,she was still willing to(29)her favourite dried grapes.Inspired by the kind gesture,many people contacted the school headmaster to make(30) ."It makes me so proud of my kids that they have touched your hearts along with mine," Rachel said. "Your (31) in offering gifts to both the students and me and your donations to our school have not gone(32).We are all deeply moved. "
"My wish for all of you is to remember this kind and simple
(33)of love from one of my school babies and carry it with you and continue to(34)love and kindness to everyone you meet-not just during this(35)season. "

21.A. helped B. showered C. comforted D. supplied

22.A. melted B. cured C. changed D. broke

23.A. hesitantly B. casually C. badly D. hardly

24.A. opened up B. asked for C. gave away D. put aside

25.A. courage B. chance C. lesson D. time

26.A. unwrapped B. cooked C. repackaged D. separated

27.A. nice B. funny C. imaginary D. old

28.A. sympathy B. appreciation C. confidence D. desire

29.A. enjoy B. sacrifice C. collect D. keep

30.A. preparations B. appointments C. donations D. requirements

31.A. curiosity B. trouble C. experience D. generosity

32.A. unchecked B. unnoticed C. unexpected D. uncovered

33.A. hope B. word C. trick D. act

34.A. spread B. teach C. explain D. declare

35.A. graduation B. autumn C. holiday D. school

36.The National Art Gallery,located at the heart of Canberra,Australia,is a must to visit.The architecture of the gallery (1) it is impressive and unique.Many types of paintings are (2) separate on display based on the painters' country of origin.It is roughly estimated that there (3) be at least a thousand paintings in the gallery.It even has a special section (4) paintings by art students are exhibited.The quality and the imagination of the young painters are also extraordinary.
Among all those exhibits,the aboriginal 
(土著的)paintings are the most (5) strike.There is a sad history surrounding the natives of Australia.In the 19th century,when white (6) settler came to Australia,most of the children of the aboriginals (7) takeaway from their own parents and brought up by white parents.Some of the paintings express this theme,which could move visitors (8) tears.
During holidays,the gallery is always crowded with parents and their children.It is amazing
 (9) see small children appreciating such abstract paintings.
The National Art Gallery is truly
 (10) attraction worth visiting.











37.你校英文报正在征稿。请你结合下面的名人名言(famous quote),写一篇题为"My Understanding of Failure"的征文。
"A man can fail many times,but he isn't a failure until he begins to blame somebody else. "
My Understanding of Failure______

On a hot September afternoon,Peter and his friend Isabel were on their way to the library.When they passed by Tubman park,Isabel suggested cutting through it to get to the library.As they entered the park,the sight of the swings (秋千) and the merry-go-round brought back a flood of memories of their childhood spent there.But now everything looked so old,sad,and dirty.Litter lay on the ground next to an overflowing trash bin.There were still young schoolchildren playing there but they had to avoid the trash that littered the playground.A little boy told them that the city took the other trash cans away and the remaining one never got emptied often.
As they headed toward the library,the two high school students wrinkled their forehead.In the library,they encountered Mrs.Evans,their kind-hearted fifth-grade teacher,retired yet still passionate.Mrs.Evans listened as Isabel and Peter eagerly explained what they'd seen.Finally,she recommended them to go to the City Hall to voice their concerns.
The next day,Isabel and Peter went into the building of the City Hall but were met with an impatient officer.They were informed that the city couldn't help with their problem due to a tight budget.Discouraged,they left and turned to Mrs.Evans for help.
Under her guidance,they decided to ask Go Green,a non-profit organization whose goal is to protect the environment,for help. "This group is good at raising money for projects just like yours," said Mrs.Evans.She promised to arrange them to present their ideas to Go Green.Hearing this,their face lit up.
Two main tasks remained ahead
researching ways to clean up the park and preparing a convincing presentation.As Isabel was good at researching while Peter always had a talent for speaking,they cooperated quite well.Isabel learned from a science magazine that a new type of trash bin can squeeze the trash down without being emptied often,which saves time,money,and energy.Based on this,Peter practiced his presentation over and over again.
A week later,Peter stood nervously at the back of the hall where Go Green was meeting.______
After the meeting,Isabel excitedly told Peter the good news.______



【解析】1B.细节理解题。根据小标题CodeHS中第一句Coursera is a free learning platform that offers MOOCs courses from well-known universities.CodeHS是一个专门为学习计算机科学的学生设计的学习网站。)可知,CodeHS的特别之处在于它专注于一个特定的主题,即为学习计算机科学的学生设计的学习网站。故选B项。
2D.推理判断题。根据小标题Connections Academy中第二句The courses of this platform are designed for elementary school and middle school.(该平台的课程是针对小学和中学设计的。)可知,Connections Academy平台的课程是针对小学和中学设计的,因此它最适合初中生。故选D项。
3A.写作意图题。根据文章第一段内容Sites for free online education enable you to learn courses in your comfortable place.The courses of these websites are offered by top universities.You can learn a specific subject without much investment.These websites offer many videos,articles,and e-books to increase your knowledge.(免费在线教育网站能让你在舒适的环境中学习课程。这些网站的课程都是由顶尖大学提供的。你可以学习一个特定的科目,而不需要太多的投资。这些网站提供许多视频、文章和电子书来增加你的知识。)可知,这篇文章要介绍一些学习网站,其目的是为我们推荐一些可以免费学习网站帮助我们学习,因此A"推荐学习网站"符合题意。故选A项。


3C.观点态度题。根据第六段前三句内容Coaches are almost always hesitant to speak about individual players.But when coach Shui was asked about Wang before the match against Vietnam,she couldn't stop mentioning her influence on the team.Unfailingly performing on the big stage,Wang did not let her team down.(教练在谈论球员个人时总是犹豫不决。但在与越南队的比赛之前,当水教练被问及王时,她忍不住提到她对球队的影响。一直在大舞台上表演的王没有让她的团队失望。)可知,水教练认为王霜对球队影响力很大,没有让她的团队失望,说明教练对王霜非常的称赞,A.Conservative.保守的;B.Contradictory.矛盾的;C.Favourable.支持的;D.Demanding.要求高的。故选C项。
4A.标题判断题。根据第二段第二句As the only girl in the boys' team,Wang's performances were impressive,earning her the nickname "Iron Girl. "(作为男队中唯一的女生,王霜的表现令人印象深刻,为她赢得了 "铁娘子"的绰号。)可知,在男足球队中时王霜就表现的非常出色。以及根据第六段前三句内容Coaches are almost always hesitant to speak about individual players.But when coach Shui was asked about Wang before the match against Vietnam,she couldn't stop mentioning her influence on the team.Unfailingly performing on the big stage,Wang did not let her team down.(教练在谈论球员个人时总是犹豫不决。但在与越南队的比赛之前,当水教练被问及王霜时,她忍不住提到她对球队的影响。一直在大舞台上表演的王没有让她的团队失望。)可知教练对王霜的能力非常的认可,对于一个影响力十足的女性足球运动员来说"铿锵玫瑰"的称号值得拥有。因此A.WangShuangASteelRose(王霜:铿锵玫瑰)适合作为文章标题。故先A项。


【解析】1C.推理判断题。根据第二段As the world warms and Arctic sea ice thins,starving polar bears are being forced ever further south,where they meet grizzlies,whose ranges are expanding northwards.(随着世界变暖和北极海冰变薄,饥饿的北极熊被迫越来越向南,在那里它们遇到灰熊,灰熊的活动范围正在向北扩展。)可知北极熊向南迁移是为了缓解饥饿。故选C项。
2B.细节理解题。根据第三段"Usually,hybrids aren't better suited to their environments than their parents,but these hybrids are able to search for a broader range of food sources," Larisa DeSantis,an associate professor of biological sciences at Vanderbilt University,told Live Science.(范德比尔特大学(Vanderbilt University)生物科学副教授拉里萨?德桑蒂斯(Larisa DeSantis)对《生活科学》(Live Science)说:"通常情况下,杂交种并不比它们的父母更适合它们的环境,但这些杂交种能够寻找更广泛的食物来源。")可知更多的食物选择让"小熊"比它们的父母更能适应自然环境。故选B项。
3B.词义指代题。根据倒数第二段划线词后文Actually,the calories they gain from these sources do not balance out those they burn from searching for them.(事实上,他们从这些来源获得的热量并不能抵消他们在寻找这些来源时燃烧的热量。)及下一句This could result in a habitat ready for the hybrids to move in and take over,leading to a loss in biodiversity if polar bears are replaced.(这可能会导致一个栖息地准备好让杂交熊迁入并接管,如果北极熊被取代,将导致生物多样性的损失。)可知,无法找到食物来源,北极熊很可能被灰熊取代,处于生存的关键点。划线句Although all of these starving polar bears are trying to find alternative food sources,like seabird eggs,it could for their survival.(尽管所有这些饥饿的北极熊都在努力寻找其他食物来源,比如海鸟蛋,但这可能是它们生存的转折点。)be a tipping point"转折点",相当于A critical stage(关键阶段)。A.Ararechance.难得的机会;B.Acriticalstage.关键阶段;C.Apositivefactor.一个积极因素;D.Aconstantchange.不断的变化。故选B项。
4C.主旨大意题。根据第一段Endangered polar bears are breeding (繁殖) with grizzly bears (灰熊),creating "pizzly" bears,which is being driven by climate change,scientists say.(科学家称,受气候变化的驱动,濒危北极熊正在与灰熊一起繁殖,创造出"小灰熊"。)和倒数第二段This could result in a habitat ready for the hybrids to move in and take over,leading to a loss in biodiversity if polar bears are replaced.(这可能会导致一个栖息地准备好让杂交熊迁入并接管,如果北极熊被取代,将导致生物多样性的损失。)以及文章大意,可知由于全球变暖,"小熊"的数量正在上升。故选C项。


【解析】1B.推理判断题。根据第一段前两句内容The rechargeable lithium-ion (锂离子) battery market is worth more than 50 billion.Lithium-ion batteries,whose demand continues to go up day by day,are used in a wide range of electronic devices. (可充电锂离子电池市场价值超过500亿美元。锂离子电池的需求与日俱增,广泛应用于电子设备中。)可知,锂离子电池市场大,广泛应用电子设备中,它的需求量很大,与日俱增。故选B项。
3D.细节理解题。根据第四段第一句But until now,the prospect of using recycled materials in lithium-ion batteries has some manufacturers (制造商) worrying that it could impact performance.(但直到现在,在锂离子电池中使用可回收材料的前景让一些制造商担心它可能会影响性能。)可知,目前在锂离子电池中使用可回收材料的前景让一些制造商担心它可能会影响性能,也就是说回收回来的锂离子电池性能低效。故选D项。
4D.推理判断题。根据最后一段前三句内容In tests between Wang's team's recycled batteries and brand-new batteries of the same composition,the recycled batteries outperform the new ones in their ability to maintain capacity.It took 11600 charge cycles for recycled cathode batteries to lose 30 percent of their original capacity.That was about 50 percent better than the 7600 observed cycles for new cathode batteries,the team reported. (在王的团队对回收电池和相同成分的全新电池进行的测试中,回收电池的容量保持能力优于新电池。回收的阴极电池需要11600次充电,才会失去原来容量的30%。研究小组报告说,这比新阴极电池观察到的7600个周期要好50%。)可见在充电方面,回收电池的性能优于新电池。这篇文章主要是讲锂离子的需求变大,但开采锂离子矿物质会破坏环境,因此回收电池显得格外重要,所以D项最好地支持了文章的主要观点。故选D项。


2G.细节理解题。根据下文Inotherwords,theyhelp youexploreyourfuturecareerpossibilitiesandfigureoutwhatisstoppingyoufromadvancinginyourdevelopment.(换句话说,它们可以帮助你探索未来职业发展的可能性,找出阻碍你发展的因素。)可知此处"yourfuturecareer possibilities"G"makefulluseofyourprofessionalpotential"项对应。因此选项"G.Careercoachescanhelpyoudecidehowtomakefulluseofyourprofessionalpotential.职业教练可以帮助你决定如何充分利用你的职业潜力。"符合语境。故选G
3F.标题归纳题。根据下文Gointoyourcoachingrelationshipwithanideaofwhatyouthinkyouneedfromthem,butbewillingtothinkabouttheirguidanceonwhatothermeasuresmaymakeyoumoresuccessful-forexample,BusinessValuetrainingtomakesureyou'llbesatisfiedinanewjob.(在你的指导关系中,你可以从他们那里了解到你认为你需要什么,但也要愿意考虑他们对哪些其他措施可能会让你更成功的指导例如,商业价值培训,以确保你在新工作中感到满意。)可知此处"whatyouthinkyouneed"F"which servicesyouneed"相对应。因此选项"F.Knowwhichservicesyouneedandbeopentoservicesyoudon'tknowyouneed.了解你需要哪些服务,并对你不知道自己需要的服务持开放态度。"符合语境。故选F


【解析】1B.考查动词及语境理解。A.helped帮助;B.showered淋浴,抛洒,给与;C.comforted安慰;D.supplied提供。根据后文one gift from a girl,可知是学生给她送了很多礼物。故选B项。
2A.考查动词及语境理解。A.melted融化;B.cured治愈;C.changed改变;D.broke破坏。根据后文but had nothing to give,可知这位女孩的用心让Rachel感动了。故选A项。
4A.考查动词短语及语境理解。A.opened up打开;B.asked for询问;C.gave away赠送;D.put aside在……放到一边。根据后文She took ,可知这个女孩先是打开包装盒,然后抽出里面的食品。故选A项。
6C.考查动词及语境理解。A.unwrapped未包装;B.cooked烹饪;C.repackaged重新包装;D.separated分离。根据前文opened up her free breakfast cereal,可知此处表达"重新包装"。故选C
7A.考查形容词及语境理解。A.nice美好的;B.funny有趣的;C.imaginary虚构的;D.old旧的。根据前文大意,结合后文hoping to help people gain some,可知这是一个美好的故事。故选A项。
8B.考查名词及语境理解。A.sympathy同情;B.appreciation感激;C.confidence信心;D.desire欲望。根据后文because even when this youngster had nothing to offer,she was still willing to,可知从这个女孩的身上我们要感激现在的拥有。故选B项。
9B.考查动词及语境理解。A.enjoy喜欢;B.sacrifice牺牲;C.collect收集;D.keep保持。根据前文提及女孩给老师她最喜欢的干葡萄,结合her favourite dried grapes,可知此处表达"牺牲",更能凸显女孩的精神。故选B项。
10C.考查名词及语境理解。A.preparations准备;B.appointments约定;C.donations捐赠;D.requirements要求。根据后文they have touched your hearts,可知他们因为感动而献爱心。故选C项。
11D.考查名词及语境理解。A.curiosity好奇心;B.trouble困难;C.experience经历;D.generosity大方,慷慨。根据后文offering gifts to both the students and me,可知是他们慷慨的捐赠。故选D项。
12B.考查动词及语境理解。A.unchecked未检查;B.unnoticed未注意,忽视;C.unexpected意外;D.uncovered发现。根据后文We are all deeply moved,可知我们没有忽视。故选B项。
13D.考查名词及语境理解。A.hope希望;B.word单词;C.trick捉弄;D.act行为。根据后文of love,此处指"爱的行为"。故选D项。
14A.考查动词及语境理解。A.spread传播;B.teach教;C.explain解释;D.declare宣布。根据前文carry it with you and continue to,可知此处表达"每一个人传播爱和善意"。故选A项。
15C.考查名词及语境理解。A.graduation毕业;B.autumn秋天;C.holiday假期;D.school学校。根据第一段left for their new year vacation,可知此处指"假期"。故选C项。







【小题7were taken


【小题9to see


【解析】1itself.考查代词。句意:美术馆本身的建筑风格令人印象深刻,独具特色。分析句子可知,空处代词作同位语强调The architecture of the gallery本身。故填itself
2separately.考查副词。句意:根据画家的原籍国,还分别展出了多种绘画。分析句子可知,空处应用副词separately作状语,修饰空后的介词短语on display。故填separately
3are.考查be动词。句意:据粗略估计,这个画廊里至少有一千幅画。根据空后的a thousand paintings可知,这里应用复数are。故填are
4where.考查定语从句引导词。句意:它甚至有一个专门的区域,展示艺术学生的绘画。分析句子可知,本句为定语从句,先行词 section指地点,在定语从句中做地点状语,因此应用关系副词where。故填where
6settlers.考查可数名词复数。句意:在19世纪,当白人移民来到澳大利亚时,土著居民的孩子大多被从父母身边带走,由白人父母抚养长大。根据本句末尾的 white parents可知,空处的settler应用复数形式做主语。故填settlers
7were taken.考查被动语态。句意:在19世纪,当白人移民来到澳大利亚时,土著居民的孩子大多被从父母身边带走,由白人父母抚养长大。分析句子可知,childrentake away之间是被动关系,因此应用被动语态,再根据空前的came 可知应用一般过去时。故填were taken
8to/into.考查介词。句意:有些画作表达了这一主题,能让参观者感动落泪。move sb.to/into tears为固定短语,意为"使某人感动得落泪"。故填tointo
9to see.考查动词不定式。句意:看到小孩子欣赏这样的抽象画真是令人惊奇。分析句子结构可知,固定句型it is+adj.+to do sth.意为"做某事是怎么样的",因此空处应用不定式。故填to see

37.【答案】My Understanding of Failure
This famous quote from J.Burroughs conveys that when faced with failure,we should reflect on ourselves instead of putting the blame on others,which is more important than failure itself.
When entering high school,many classmates found it really difficult to learn maths and did poorly in exams.
【高分句型一】They blamed it on the teacher rather than themselves,which resulted in even poorer performance.Iwas no exception.【高分句型二】However,when I realized complaining made no sense,I adjusted mylearning methods and turned to the teacher whenever Iencountered difficult problems.Gradually,I began to make problems,Gradually,I began to make progress which in turn boosted my confidence in maths.(生活中的例子)
The lesson I have drawn from this experience is that only by bravely taking full responsibility for failure rather than blaming others can we succeed.

【解析】高分句型一:When entering high school,many classmates found it really difficult to learn maths and did poorly in exams.
高分句型二:They blamed it on the teacher rather than themselves,which resulted in even poorer performance.Iwas no exception.

38.【答案】A week later,Peter stood nervouslyat the back of the hail where Go Green was meeting.He could feel nothing but his hands shaking andheart pounding."You'll be great,Peter,"Isabel encouraged him.Just then,Peter heard his name being announced.It was time to present!Peter took a deep breath and then went on the stage."Tubman Park needs a new kind of trash can,"Peter explained,pointing to a poster of a trash can.【高分句型一】Then Peter explained the working principle of the trash can in detail.The judges nodded as they listened,seeming interested in the project.(彼得向Go Green作报告的情况。)
After the meeting,Isabel excitedly told Peter the good news.Go Green had agreed to buy new trash cans for the park!Hearing the inspiring news,they both leaped into the air with joy.
【高分句型二】Peter barely had time to savor the moment before Isabel started sharing the news with Mrs.Evans and showing their gratitude to her Learning the result,Mrs.Evans smiled through misty eyes."I know you can do it!Tubman Park is sure to become one that is dean and green again!"Neverbefore had Peter and Isabel been so proud of themselves.(得知Go Green同意提供帮助后,PeterIsabel接下来的打算。)

【解析】本文以人物为线索展开,讲述PeterIsabel经过儿时玩耍的Tubman公园,发现公园破败不堪,垃圾满地,于是决定想办法改变其面貌。在埃文斯夫人的建议下,他们决定向环境保护组织Go Green寻求帮助。
Peter explained,pointing to a poster of a trash can.
分析:本句话使用了现在分词短语pointing to a poster of a trash can作状语。
Hearing the inspiring news,they both leaped into the air with joy.
分析:本句话使用了现在分词短语Hearing the inspiring news作状语表示时间。
