





Like humans,animals need sleep too.A big problem for animals in the wild is keeping their enemies away while they sleep.Animals take care of this problem in different ways.
Anolis lizards live in many areas including tropical rainforests.They often sleep on leaves at the end of long branches.A leaf might seem like a strange bed,but it works like an alarm.If a hungry snake wiggles a branch,the lizard wakes up and leaps to safety.
Chimpanzees take their sleep very seriously.Each day,a chimpanzee builds itself a new,comfortable bed to sleep in.Scientists believe chimpanzees carefully choose a tree that is strong,where they build a nest using branches and leaves.
Parrotfish live among coral reefs in oceans.Every night,parrotfish usually sleep close to the rock in sheltered places.Some parrotfish go one step further by quickly making a slime layer that covers their whole body.This covering acts like a sleeping bag that provides a barrier against danger.
Bottle-nosed dolphins need to sleep,but they have to be on the ocean's surface to breathe.They also need to watch over their young.What do they do?While half of the dolphin's brain sleeps,the other half stays awake.After a while,the sleeping half wakes up while the other half snoozes.
Sooty terns have the most amazing sleep.They nest on islands.When they are not nesting,they live for many years in the sky and on the sea's surface.When and where can they sleep?Scientists believe they are able to sleep while they are flying,staying out of the reach of enemies.

1.What is the shared concern when wild animals sleep? ______

A. Quietness. B. Time length. C. Comfort. D. Safety.

2.Which animals need the most preparation before sleep? ______

A. Anolis lizards. B. Chimpanzees.
C. Parrotfish. D. Sooty terns.

3.What do we know about the sleeping habit of bottle-nosed dolphins? ______

A. They sleep on the job.
B. They don't sleep at all.
C. They sleep deep in the ocean.
D. They sleep the least of all animals.


Andrew Bastawrous was 12 when he found out he could barely see.He was then socially awkward,failing at school and terrible at ball games.
Glasses turned his life around,yet even as a child he was aware of how lucky he was.Bastawrous grew up in the UK,but his family would visit poor parts of Egypt,where his parents were from. "Nobody there wore glasses,but I knew some people needed them," he says. "It felt incredibly unfair.At 16,I decided I wasn't going to feel guilty about it any more." He determined there and then to become an eye surgeon,and he did.
In 2012,he and his wife moved with their one-year-old son to a small town 5 hours' drive from Nairobi.They had limited electricity and running water.For 18 months,every time Bastawrous and his team set up their "mobile" eye clinic in yet another new location,they had to drag heavy,fragile hospital equipment cross-country.There was another problem,as one local doctor described it,"We don't even have enough doctors and now you also want eye surgeons?That's probably a pipe dream."
All this convinced Bastawrous that something fundamental was needed.So he started exploring ways to replace his clinic with a single,convenient device:a smartphone.He co-developed an app-based visual test that gathers as much information as the classic one,using similar principles.The critical difference is that almost anyone can carry it out after just a few minutes of training.Bastawrous co-founded a charitable company to develop and apply the technology more widely.His team also developed technologies that enabled a smartphone camera to take hospital-grade images of the back of the eye.
That's a pretty good start,but Bastawrous has his sights set sky high. "I feel we're at a tipping point now where this enormous problem will become a historical thing.That's when I'll sleep easy," he says.

4.What drove Bastawrous to become an eye surgeon? ______

A. His personal misfortune.
B. His burning sense of injustice.
C. His ambition to turn his life around.
D. His guilt about leaving his home country.

5.What can we infer about Bastawrous's first 18 months in Africa? ______

A. It's hard and problematic.
B. It's challenging but fruitful.
C. It's adventurous and unrealistic.
D. It's fundamental but innovative.

6.Bastawrous's innovation can be described as ______ .

A. cheap and convenient treatments for patients
B. a virtual and complete change from a classic test
C. a smart and popularised application of technology
D. fast and effective trainings of medical professionals

7.What do Bastawrous's words in the last paragraph show? ______

A. His modest attitude to his past achievements.
B. His optimistic views on the cure for blindness.
C. His strong belief in the effects of future technology.
D. His firm determination to carry on his challenging career.


Feeling overloaded by your to-do list can certainly make you unhappy,but new research suggests that more free time might not be the many of us dream it could be.
In a new study released last week,researchers analyzed data from two large-scale(大规模)surveys about how Americans spend their time.Together,the surveys included more than 35,000 respondents.The researchers found that people with more free time generally had higher levels of subjective well-being - but only up to a point.People who had around two hours of free time a day generally reported they felt better than those who had less time.But people who had five or more hours of free time a day generally said they felt worse.So ultimately the free-time "sweet spot" might be two to three hours per day,the findings suggest.
Part of finding this seemingly tricky "sweet spot" has to do with how people spend the extra time they have,the researchers behind the new study argue.They conducted several smaller online experiments.In one they asked participants to imagine having 3.5 to 7 free hours per day.They were asked to imagine spending that time doing "productive" things(like exercising)or to imagine doing "unproductive" activities(like watching TV).Study participants believed their well-being would suffer if they had a lot of free time during the day - but only if they used it unproductively.Though that experiment was hypothetical,which is one limitation of the new research,it's certainly in line with other research showing that being in a state of "flow" can be good for people's mental health.
Of course,what feels "productive" is up to you.Many traditionally productive or purposeful activities can be easy and fun.Engaging in a bit of low-key cardio,like walking and jogging,can help burn stress.Free-time activities like reading or cooking are also known to put people in a state of flow.

8.What does the underlined word "elixir" in paragraph 1 refer to? ______

A. Magic solution. B. Physical power.
C. Psychological test. D. Relaxed atmosphere.

9.How did the researchers carry out the new study? ______

A. By doing large-scale online surveys.
B. By giving interviews and mental tests.
C. By comparing respondents' backgrounds.
D. By conducting experiments and analyzing data.

10.What is a distinct finding of the new research? ______

A. Doing unproductive things leads to unhappiness.
B. Being in a state of flow benefits people's mental health.
C. Man's well-being is positively related to the free time they have.
D. How people spend their free time affects their sense of well-being.

11.What is the focus of the last paragraph? ______

A. The importance of burning stress.
B. Easy and fun activities to kill time.
C. Further explanation of being productive.
D. The benefits of engaging in free-time activities.


Even when communing with nature we depend on technology for help - but then,so did Thoreau (梭罗) at Walden Pond (瓦尔登湖).
Walking in the same woods yesterday,I let myself wander at random,communing with nature.
I took in beautiful scenery near and far thanks to my progressive-lens eyeglasses.Occasionally I'd pull out my smartphone to take pictures on anything interesting.I recorded an inner monologue with a background of all sounds of the forest.At times,I consulted my smart watch to check on my heartbeat,mileage and calorie burn.Eventually I realized I was quite lost.Not a problem of course.Online maps came to my rescue.
But something bothered me.In what I'd intended as a nature experience,here I was using very high technology to help myself out.This insight triggered a reconsideration of everything that happened during my "nature walk," which had been technologically enhanced every step of the way.I'd been functioning as a man-machine combination:a cyborg.
What would the true naturalist Thoreau think of that?My first thought was that he'd be shocked.But later I did some research.Thoreau enjoyed what his spyglass discovered,like this eagle from his journal:
Lying on the ground with my glass,I could watch him very easily …till I almost lost him in the clouds ...I think I have got the worth of my glass now that it has revealed to me the white-headed eagle.
Famously,Thoreau always set out equipped with a walking stick,which he used not only for support but also to take measurements of water and snow levels.His hat was also a tool,which he called his "botany-box." And he was prepared even with needles and thread,so when coming out of the woods,he was "the best dressed." Clearly,Thoreau was a bit of a cyborg himself.
Thinking more deeply,I realized we've come a long way from our hunter-gatherer ancestors,who walked from necessity and relied on nature's gift.Cyborgs are us.

12.What is the purpose of the text? ______

A. To recommend Thoreau's book Walden Pond.
B. To argue that humans have developed into cyborgs.
C. To share the reflections on man's reliance on nature.
D. To question whether people are technology-dependent.

13.Which picture best illustrates a cyborg in the author's eye? ______

A.  B. 
C.  D. 

14.Why does the author quote Thoreau's journal? ______

A. To introduce a literary work on nature.
B. To explain how to prepare for a nature walk.
C. To prove that even naturalists use technology.
D. To describe the natural beauty Thoreau enjoyed.

15.What is the author's attitude towards being a cyborg? ______

A. Favorable. B. Intolerant. C. Doubtful. D. Unclear.

Want a relaxing but fun challenge at home? (1) Puzzles have been around for more than 250 years and the challenge of working out where each piece goes and carefully recreating the scene on the box lid can keep you busy for hours,days or even weeks.
Puzzles come in a huge range of sizes and difficulty levels.For beginners,a 100-piece puzzle is usually a good starting point. (2) Try grouping pieces with the same colours or design because they will probably go in the same area once the puzzle takes shape.
(3) Those pieces are easier to find because they have a straight side.Stay patient as you search through and try to make it fit together.You may not find any connecting pieces for ages but then several may suddenly appear.
For a real test,puzzles that have 1,000 pieces or more are a tough task and it's best to complete them with friends or family if you can.Choosing a scene that interests you,such as a favourite film,sport or location,can help keep you interested and determined to work to the final piece.You can get fun educational puzzles,too. (4)
Some of the best places to pick up puzzles are charity shops.They're often on sale for less than €5.Once you have completed a puzzle it's nice to exchange it with a friend. (5) You just upload an image,such as a family scene,and they will make a puzzle from it and post it to you.It makes lovely and unusual present.

A.So others can have a go.
B.You can't beat a good puzzle.
C.Some companies make personalised puzzles.
D.However,a good start doesn't always lead to a good result.
E.Most people like to start by getting the four edges of a puzzle laid out.
F.It can get you used to sorting out how the shapes,patterns and colours go together.
G.For example,you may try a map of the world,historical timelines or the periodic table.

16.A. A B. B C. C D. D E. E F. F G. G

17.A. A B. B C. C D. D E. E F. F G. G

18.A. A B. B C. C D. D E. E F. F G. G

19.A. A B. B C. C D. D E. E F. F G. G

20.A. A B. B C. C D. D E. E F. F G. G

Dad is a busy mechanic.Every Saturday he puts on his apron and produces delicious bread.I think he bakes to(21).
I've been feeling stressed out myself as I found out I didn't(22) for the swim team.Now I'll have to wait a whole year to try out again.I think Dad knew how I(23),so this Saturday he invited me to help him bake.
Dad first got out everything needed,and then told me to (24) the ingredients(配料)with a spoon.After that he showed me how to knead the dough(揉面团).It took only ten minutes but a(n)(25) amount of energy to complete.
Next came the (26) part - doing nothing.We waited for the dough to slowly (27),then punched(捶打)it down and waited for it to rise again.Dad said the waiting is always the hardest part as you have to(28) the thought of putting the dough (29) into the oven.
While we waited,we sat and talked.(30) is like the dough that rises and fills a room with emptiness(31) you punch it down with words.It felt good to listen and share our(32).As the flour dust quietly(33),time seemed to slow down.The dough would rise at its own(34).We could do nothing to make it rise faster.
I learned how to bake,and I also learned to (35) the slowly ticking rhythm of time,to relax and let the bread rise.

21.A. forget B. exercise C. learn D. relax

22.A. care B. qualify C. plan D. vote

23.A. failed B. felt C. performed D. tried

24.A. cook B. shake C. taste D. mix

25.A. surprising B. increasing C. extra D. limited

26.A. best B. last
C. most difficult D. most rewarding

27.A. swell up B. turn up C. stand out D. come out

28.A. accept B. consider C. repeat D. resist

29.A. carefully B. completely C. directly D. quickly

30.A. Embarrassment B. Hunger C. Silence D. Stress

31.A. unless B. though C. even if D. so long as

32.A. recipes B. duties C. snacks D. thoughts

33.A. froze B. settled C. gathered D. developed

34.A. cost B. convenience C. pace D. will

35.A. appreciate B. control C. ignore D. suffer

36.Some people love to read books.They can't get enough of the (1) ( print) word.Others have a big appetite for making and eating food.Well,if you are both an (2) ( enthusiasm)reader and eater,you may want to take part in an edible book festival, (3) you can have your book and eat it,too!
In such festivals,people create projects and present (4) to judges.There are two rules:the project must be made of food,and it must be based (5) a book.For example,someone might make the chocolate factory from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory with chocolate bars.
Sometimes,judges award prizes for the best projects like "Best Pun." A pun is a funny play on words that sound similar but have different (6) (meaning),like tale and tail.A possible (7) (win)for "Best Pun" might show Peter Rabbit,the character from The Tale of Peter Rabbit,with a tail made of marshmallow fluff (棉花糖). (8) (make) a pun,the project could be called "The Tail of Peter Rabbit", (9) title punny enough to make the judges laugh!
Given the fun and often silly nature,it's not surprising that many of these festivals (10) ( hold) on April Fool's Day!











37.假定你是李明。你的外国朋友 David 最近选修了中文课程。他来信向你咨询学好中文的方法。请你写一封回信,内容包括:
(1)写作词数应为 80 左右;
Dear David,
Li Ming

Twenty years ago,I drove a taxi.Once,I was called at 3 a.m.to pick someone up.When I arrived,the building was completely dark except for one light in a window.Often,many drivers would just honk (按喇叭) once or twice,wait a short minute,then drive away.
But unless a real danger,I always went to the door to find the passenger.It might be someone who needed my assistance.Would I not want a driver to do the same if my mother or father had called for a taxi?
So I walked to the door and knocked. "Just a minute," answered a weak and elderly voice.I could hear the sound of something being dragged across the floor.After a long pause,the door opened.A small woman in her 80s stood before me.By her side was a small suitcase. "Would you carry my bag out to the car?" she said. "I'd like a few moments alone.Then,if you could come back and help me?I'm not very strong."
I took the suitcase to the cab,then returned to assist the woman.She took my arm,and we walked slowly toward the cab.She kept thanking me for my kindness. "It's nothing," I told her. "I just try to treat my passengers the way I would want my mother treated."
"Oh,you're such a good boy," she said.When we got in the taxi,she gave me an address.Then she asked, "Could you drive through the downtown?"
"It's not the shortest way," I answered. "I don't mind," she said,"I'm in no hurry.I'm on my way to the nursing home." I saw her eyes shining with tears. "I don't have any family left," she continued. "The doctor says I am too old to live alone."
I quietly turned off the meter (计程器). "What road do you want me to take?" I asked. "First,take me to Sunrise Street.That's where I was born."
1.续写词数应为 150 左右;
For hours,we drove through the city.______
"How much do I owe you?" she asked,reaching for her purse.______


【解析】(1)D.细节理解题。根据第一自然段A big problem for animals in the wild is keeping their enemies away while they sleep.(对于野生动物来说,当它们睡觉的时候,一个大的问题就是远离它们的敌人。)可知,野生动物在睡觉的时候共享的一个问题是要注意敌人,也就是注意安全,故选D。
(2)B.细节理解题。根据第三自然段Chimpanzeestake their sleep very seriously.Each day,a chimpanzee builds itself a new,comfortable bed to sleep in.(黑猩猩非常重视它们的睡觉。每天,黑猩猩都会为它自己建一个新的,舒服的床睡觉。)可知,黑猩猩认真对待自己的睡眠,每次睡觉都做一只新床,因此推断黑猩猩睡觉前需要最多的准备,故选B。
(3)A.推理判断题。根据倒数第二自然段Bottle-nosed dolphins need to sleep,but they have to be on the ocean's surface to breathe.They also need to watch over their young.What do they do?While half of the dolphin's brain sleeps,the other half stays awake.After a while,the sleeping half wakes up while the other half snoozes.(瓶鼻海豚需要睡觉,但它们必须待在海洋表面才能呼吸。他们还需要照顾自己的孩子。他们怎么做呢?当海豚的一半大脑睡觉的时候,另一半保持清醒。过一会儿,睡觉的这一半醒过来,然后另一半开始打盹。)可知,海豚的睡觉习惯是边睡觉边工作,故选A。


【解析】(1)B.推理判断题。根据第二段后几句"Nobodythereworeglasses,butIknewsomepeopleneededthem,"hesays."Itfelt incrediblyunfair.At16,IdecidedIwasn'tgoingtofeelguiltyaboutitanymore."Hedeterminedthereandthentobecomeaneyesurgeon,andhedid.("那里没有人戴眼镜,但我知道有些人需要眼镜,"他说。"这感觉非常不公平。16岁时,我决定不再为此感到内疚。"他当即决心成为一名眼科医生,并且他做到了)可知,作者认为需要戴眼镜的人却无法戴到眼镜,这是不公平的,这种不公正感使得作者产生成为眼科医生的决定。故选B。
(2)A.推理判断题。根据第三段后几句For18months,everytimeBastawrousandhisteamsetuptheir"mobile"eyeclinicinyetanothernewlocation,theyhadtodragheavy,fragile hospitalequipmentcross-country.Therewasanotherproblem,asonelocaldoctordescribedit,"Wedon'tevenhaveenoughdoctorsandnowyoualsowanteyesurgeons?That'sprobablyapipedream."(18个月来,每次Bastawrous和他的团队在新地点建立他们的"移动"眼科诊所时,他们都不得不将笨重、易损的医院设备在全国拖来拖去。还有一个问题,正如一位当地医生所描述的,"我们甚至连足够的医生都没有,现在你还需要眼科医生?那可能是白日梦。")可知,在最初的18个月里,Bastawrous和他的团队面临着重重困难和问题。故选A。


【解析】(1)A.词句猜测题。根据划线词所在句Feeling overloaded by your to-do list can certainly make you unhappy,but new research suggests that more free time might not be the elixir many of us dream it could be.(被待办事项清单压得喘不过气来肯定会让你不开心,但新的研究表明,更多的空闲时间可能不是我们许多人梦想的灵丹妙药。)中的but转折可知,面对待办事项时,我们最需要的可能是时间,但是研究表明,事实并非如我们想象的这般,太多的空闲时间反而不是解决待办事项的最好方法。由此可推知,划线词"elixir"与"Magic solution"表达意义相同,指"神奇的(解决方法)"。A.Magicsolution.神奇的解决方案;B.Physicalpower.体力;C.Psychologicaltest.心理测试;D.Relaxedatmosphere.轻松的气氛。故选A。
(2)D.细节理解题。根据第二段第一句In a new study released last week,researchers analyzed data from two large-scale (大规模) surveys about how Americans spend their time.(在上周发布的一项新研究中,研究人员分析了两项关于美国人如何打发时间的大规模调查的数据)。及第三段第二句They conducted several smaller online experiments.(他们进行了几项规模较小的在线实验。)可知,研究者是通过实验和数据分析的形式进行研究的。故选D。
(3)D.细节理解题。根据第三段第五句Study participants believed their well-being would suffer if they had a lot of free time during the day — but only if they used it unproductively.(研究参与者相信,如果他们白天有很多空闲时间,但是没有有效利用时,他们的幸福感会变差。)可知,人们如何度过空闲时间会影响到幸福感。故选D。
(4)B.段落大意题。根据最后一段第二句Many traditionally productive or purposeful activities can be easy and fun.(许多传统上富有成效或有意义的活动都是轻松有趣的。)及后面列举的一些活动可知,本段主要是关于介绍一些轻松有趣的,用于消磨时间的活动的。故选B。


【解析】(1)B.推理判断题。根据文章第一段Even when communing with nature we depend on technology for help — but then,so did Thoreau (梭罗) at Walden Pond (瓦尔登湖).(即使在与自然交流时,我们也依赖技术来帮助---但是,沃尔登湖的梭罗也是如此。)可知,我们都是依赖技术的,自然学家梭罗也是如此;再根据文章最后一段Thinking more deeply,I realized we've come a long way from our hunter-gatherer ancestors,who walked from necessity and relied on nature's gift.Cyborgs are us.(更深入地思考,我意识到我们已经从狩猎采集的祖先那里走了很长一段路,他们从需要出发,依靠大自然的恩赐。半机械人就是我们)。可推知,本文的目的是说明人类已经进化为半机械人。故选B项。
(2)C.推理判断题。根据文章第四段This insight triggered a reconsideration of everything that happened during my "nature walk",which had been technologically enhanced every step of the way.I'd been functioning as a man-machine combination:a cyborg.(这一见解引发了我对"自然漫步"中发生的一切的重新思考,"自然漫步"的每一步都得到了技术的强化。我一直扮演着人机结合的角色:一个半机械人。)可知,作者眼中的半机械人应该是人机结合,选项C的图片中即有人又有机器,符合题意。故选C项。
(3)C.推理判断题。根据文章第五段But later I did some research.Thoreau enjoyed what his spyglass discovered,like this eagle from his journal(但后来我做了一些研究。梭罗喜欢望远镜的发现,就像日记里的这只鹰)"和第六段"I think I have got the worth of my glass now that it has revealed to me the white-headed eagle.(我想我已经得到了我的望远镜的价值,因为它让我看到了白头鹰。)可知,自然学家梭罗是肯定了望远镜的作用,所以作者引用梭罗的日记是为了证明即使是自然学家也会使用科技。故选C项。
(4)A.推理判断题。根据文章最后一段Thinking more deeply,I realized we've come a long way from our hunter-gatherer ancestors,who walked from necessity and relied on nature's gift.Cyborgs are us.(更深入地思考,我意识到我们已经从狩猎采集的祖先那里走了很长一段路,他们从需要出发,依靠大自然的恩赐。半机械人就是我们。)可知,作者对半机械化人的态度是赞成的。A.Favorable赞成,支持的;B.Intolerant不宽容的;C.Doubtful怀疑的;D.Unclear不清楚的。故选A项。


【解析】(1)B.推理判断题。根据上文Wantarelaxingbutfunchallengeathome?(想在家里享受放松又有趣的挑战吗?)此处提出问题,下文是答案,结合下文Puzzleshavebeenaroundformorethan250yearsandthechallengeofworkingoutwhereeachpiecegoesandcarefullyrecreatingthesceneontheboxlidcankeepyoubusyforhours,daysorevenweeks.(拼图已经有250多年的历史了,要猜出每一块拼图的位置,并小心翼翼地在盒子盖上重现拼图的场景,这一挑战可能会让你忙上几个小时、几天甚至几周。)可知,此空要引出本文主旨--拼图。B.You can't beat a good puzzle.(一个好拼图再好不过了。)引起下文,符合语境,故选B。
(2)F.联系下文题。根据下文Trygroupingpieceswiththesamecoloursordesignbecausetheywillprobablygointhesameareaoncethepuzzletakesshape.(尝试将相同颜色或设计的碎片分组,因为一旦拼图成形,它们可能会出现在相同的区域。)可知,此处讲解拼图的技巧。F.It can get you used to sorting out how the shapes,patterns and colours go together.(它可以让你习惯把形状、图案和颜色组合在一起。)中讲述拼图的技巧,引起下文,符合语境,故选F。
(3)E.联系下文题。根据下文Those pieces are easier to find because they have a straight side.(这些部分比较容易找到,因为它们有一个直边。)可知,they指的是拼图的四个边角;E.Most people like to start by getting the four edges of a puzzle laid out.(大多数人都喜欢先画出拼图的四边。)选项中的"four edges"对应上文所说"they have a straight side",引起下文,符合语境故选E。
(4)G.联系上文题。根据上文You can get fun educational puzzles,too.(你也可以得到有趣的益智谜题。)可知,此段讲述拼图的种类,G.For example,you may try a map of the world,historical timelines or the periodic table.(例如,你可以尝试世界地图、历史时间表或元素周期表。)承接上文继续说拼图的种类,符合语境,故选G。
(5)C.联系下文题。根据下文You just upload an image,such as a family scene,and they will make a puzzle from it and post it to you.(你只需要上传一张图片,比如一个家庭场景,他们就会从中做出一个拼图,然后发布给你。)可知,此处讲述个性定制的拼图。C.Some companies make personalised puzzles.(一些公司定制个性化的拼图。)引起下文,符合语境,故选C。


【解析】(1)D.考查动词及语境理解。A.forget忘记;B.exercise练习;C.learn学习;D.relax放松。根据整篇文章的讲述可知,作者的父亲通过烘焙教会了作者放松,文章的最后也出现了呼应主题的"to relax"。故选D。
(2)B.考查动词及语境理解。A.care关心;B.qualify具有资格;C.plan计划;D.vote投票。根据后一句Now I'll have to wait a whole year to try out again.(现在我得等一整年才能再次参加测试。)可知,作者今年没有资格参加游泳队。故选B。
(3)B.考查动词及语境理解。A.failed失败;B.felt感觉;感受;C.performed表现;D.tried尝试。根据前文中的I've been feeling stressed out可知,此处指作者的感受。故选B。
(4)D.考查动词及语境理解。A.cook烹饪;B.shake摇动;C.taste品尝;D.mix混合。根据后文the ingredients with a spoon可知,"mix混合"符合语境。故选D。
(5)A.考查形容词及语境理解。A.surprising令人惊讶的;B.increasing增加的;C.extra外加的;D.limited有限的。根据前文knead the dough(揉面团)的常识可知,揉面很费力,需要惊人的力量来完成。故选A。
(6)C.考查形容词最高级及语境理解。A.best最好的;B.last最后的;C.most difficult最困难的;D.most rewarding最有意义的。根据后文后文Dad said the waiting is always the hardest part(爸爸说等待总是最难的)。中的提示词"the hardest"可知,这一步是最难的。故选C。
(7)A.考查动词短语及语境理解。A.swell up膨胀;B.turn up调大;C.stand out突出;D.come out出版。根据后文rise again可知,这里指面团发酵膨胀。故选A。
(10)C.考查名词及语境理解。A.Embarrassment窘迫;B.Hunger 饥饿;C.Silence沉默;D.Stress压力。根据后文punch it down with words可知,能用言语击打的便是与说话相对的"沉默"。故选C。
(11)A.考查连词及语境理解。A.unless除非;B.though尽管;C.even if即使;D.so long as只要。句意:沉默就像面团发酵,会使整间屋子填满空虚,除非你用语言把它捶打下去。根据语境可知,作者在这里将沉默的氛围比作面团发酵,打破沉默的方法便是打开话匣子,所以表示除非你用语言把它捶打下去。故选A。
(13)B.考查动词及语境理解。A.froze冻结;B.settled降落;C.gathered聚集;D.developed变化。根据前文the flour dust以及后文time seemed to slow down.可知,面粉粉尘"飘落"符合语境。故选B。
(14)C.考查名词及语境理解。A.cost代价;B.convenience方便;C.pace速度;D.will意愿。根据后一句We could do nothing to make it rise faster.(我们无法让它发酵得更快)。可知,面团发酵有自己的速度。故选C。








【小题8】To make


【小题10】are held

(2)enthusiastic.考查形容词。句意:好吧,如果你既是一个热情的读者又是一个食客,你可能想参加一个可食用的图书节,在那里你可以拥有你的书,也可以吃它!此处修饰后面名词reader and eater,作前置定语,用形容词形式。enthusiastic热情的,符合题意。故填enthusiastic。
(3)where.考查非限制性定语从句。句意:好吧,如果你既是一个热情的读者又是一个食客,你可能想参加一个可食用的图书节,在那里你可以有你的书,也可以吃它!分析句子结构,此句为非限制性定语从句。先行词book festival在从句you can have your book and eat it作状语,用关系副词where引导。故填where。
(5)on.考查介词。句意:有两条规则:项目必须由食物构成,并且必须基于一本书。be based on"与……为基础",固定搭配。故填on。
(6)meanings.考查名词。句意:双关语是对听起来相似但含义不同的词的一种有趣的戏法,比如故事和尾巴。根据句意及 tale and tail,可知此处meaning(含义)用复数形式,作宾语。故填meanings。
(7)winner.考查可数名词单数。句意:《最佳双关语》的一个可能的赢家可能是《彼得的故事》中的人物彼得兔子。根据Best Pun及 show Peter Rabbit,可推测此处表达"获胜者"作主语,结合前面有a,winner获胜者,符合题意。故填winner。
(8)To make.考查不定式。句意:为了制作双关语,这个项目可以被称为"彼得兔的尾巴",一个足以让评委发笑的标题!分析句子结构,此处用非谓语动词。结合语境,表达目的,用不定式短语。故填To make。
(9)a.考查冠词。句意:为了制作双关语,这个项目可以被称为"彼得兔的尾巴",一个足以让评委发笑的标题!根据句子结构,此处作The Tail of Peter Rabbit的同位语,泛指"一个足以让评委发笑的标题",用不定冠词a。故填a。
(10)are held.考查动词时态语态。句意:考虑到这种乐趣和愚蠢的天性,许多这样的节日都在愚人节举行也就不足为奇了!分析句子结构,此处作从句的谓语动词,与前面主语many of these festivals构成被动关系,讲述现在的事实用一般现在时,主语festivals是复数,故填are held。

37.【答案】Dear David,
I'm delighted to learn that you' ve started learning Chinese!Knowing that would like to have a better command of Chinese,I'm writing to share with you some practical suggestions,just for your reference.【高分句型一】(写信目的)
With proper guidance and enough practice,you' re bound to learn Chinese well.To begin with,it is advisable that you regularly watch some Chinese learning programs,which will expose you to an authentic learning atmosphere and will help you develop a better understanding of Chinese culture.【高分句型二】Besides,you'd better make some Chinese friends and communicate with them as much as possible.With frequent communication in real life,you' ll eventually improve your oral Chinese and feel more confident.(提出建议)
Hopefully my tips above can be of some help.Wish you success.(表达祝愿)
Li Ming

【解析】高分句型一:Knowing that would like to have a better command of Chinese,I'm writing to share with you some practical suggestions,just for your reference.
分析:这句话使用了现在分词短语Knowing that would like to have a better command of Chinese作状语。
高分句型二:To begin with,it is advisable that you regularly watch some Chinese learning programs,which will expose you to an authentic learning atmosphere and will help you develop a better understanding of Chinese culture.

38.【答案】For hours,we drove through the city.She showed me the building where he once worked,the neighborhood where she and her husband had lived,and the place where she danced as a girl.As the sun was rising,she asked me to go to the address that she had given me.【高分句型一】(一路上老妇人追忆自己的过去)
"How much do I owe you?" she asked,reaching for her purse. "Nothing",I said. "You have to make a living",she answered. "There are other passengers",I replied. "You gave an old woman the moment of joy.Thank you!" she said with tears in her eyes.I was completely lost in thought for the rest of that day.We always think there are no great moments in our lives,but great moments are just in what others may think small and unimportant ones!【高分句型二】(作者坚持不收老妇人的车费、老妇人感激以及作者的感悟)

As the sun was rising,she asked me to go to the address that she had given me.
We always think there are no great moments in our lives,but great moments are just in what others may think small and unimportant ones!