




第一部分阅读(共两节, 满分50分)
第一节(共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。AOne of the most challenging aspects of traveling alone is trying to make friends on the road.But, despite the conception that solo travel means you have to be alone all the time, it can actuallybe one of the best times to socialize and meet new people.Read on to learn our tips for it!Stay in hostelsIf you' re worried about feeling lonely while traveling solo, one of the best ways to solve thisproblem is to stay in hostels.Their friendly and open-minded atmosphere makes it easy to strike upconversations.No matter where you are, you '11 always have at least one thing in common with yourfellow hostel-mates: a love' of travel !Take part in group tours and hikingWhen you' re traveling alone, it's all too easy to stick to your own routine.If you' re eager tobreak out of it, try signing up for a group tour or activity.Try using a service like Busabout, whereyou can book tours tailored to your interests, location, and time-frame.Alternatively, book anAirbnb Experience to learna local’s trade or taste regional wines,or join a foodie-friendly activitythrough Eatwith.Use an appWith the development of technology in the travel space , solo travel is a good opportunity to usetech to your advantage, And, if you’re someone who has trouble introducing yourself to strangers inperson, travel apps can be a great way to facilitate friendships on the road.With apps likeBackpackr and Tourlina, it' s never been easier to find and.make friends with fellow travelersonline, All you have to do is pack your bags and swipe right!1.What do you have in common with your hostel-mates while travellingalone?A.Passion for travel.B.Use of tech.C.Experience of local trade.D.Taste of regional wines.2.Which one is most recommended for a solotraveler to find companions?A.Tourlina.B.Eatwith.C.Airbnb Experience.D.Busabout.3.What is the purpose of this text?A.To inspire people to travel alone.B.To emphasize the benefits of solo travel.C.To show the challenges of traveling alone.D.To give advice on facilitating friendships in solo travel.BVirginia, 70,is, a massage therapist (按摩治疗师),from Canada who recently decided to transform a 2016 Ford Transit into her new home and take to 24/7 van ( 厢式货车) life! After aclient introduced her to a television series about tiny house living, Virginia thought, “I could dothat!" And that' s exactly what she did! After 38 years as a massage therapist, Virginia watched thisshow and thought about retirement for the very first time.She enlisted the help of her daughter and friends to put all the bits and pieces of the vantogether, but Virginia made sure to have a hand in almost every part of the process.You can see herpersonality woven throughout the van in features like the ceiling, wood quilted doors, and even thetiny space reserved for her massage table!One of Virginia' s favorite parts of van life is the accepting community, regardless of how oldyou are or where you come from.“There are young people and older people and they all seem toaccept one another because age isn't the priority—it 's that we' re in a van life andwe have thatsimilarity, so it' s quite lovely ,”Virginia said.“I love it."This was a future Virginia never expected, but she wouldn't trade any ofit!“You don't know, what you're going to be doing in four or five days," Virginia explained.“Someonecan say toyou, 'well,I' m going to Joshua Tree.’And you go, ‘Joshua Tree! Inever go to Joshua Tree .’And that can be what you do next! I love that part of it.”She hopes to encourage others not to let factors like age or“what if”questionskeep them fromrunning toward their goals." Start! Don' t dream,”she said,“One foot in frontof the other.”Can we be Virginia when we grow up? What an incredible reminder that it's never 100 late topursue our dreams !4.What does Para.1tell us about Virginia?A.She is a daring old woman.B.She worked for Ford company.C.She often watched television series.D.She wanted to changed her job.5.What did Virginia do to adapt her van?A.Asking help from workers.B.Decorating the van according to her taste.C.Having a big section left for her massage table.D.Involving herself in the beginning of the process.6.Which of the following best describes Virginia's van life?A.dangerousB.fascinatingC.costlyD.ambitious7.What can we learn from Virginia ’s story?A.Hard work pays off.B.Love breaks down barriers.C.Running for dreams regardless of age.D.Travelling is a better way than reading.CA small new NASA instrument may be able to help predict volcanic eruptions and monitor airquality.Nicknamed NACHOS, which is short for the Nanosat Atmospheric Chemistry HyperspectralObservation System, was launched from Virginia on Feb.19 aboard a NG resupply mission to theInternational Space Station.NACHOS will soon then be placed aboard a tiny CubeSat satellitepositioned about 480 km above Earth, where NASA hopes it will be able to detect traces of gaseslike SO2and NO2in the atmosphere.“A volcano just waking up may emit SO2before there is any detectable seismic (地震的)activity ,”Los Alamos National Laboratory remote sensing researcher Steve Love explained in a newsrelease.“That gives us a chance to identify a potentially erupting volcano before it actually blows."If successful, NACHOS will be the smallest and highest-resolution instrument of its kind inorbit.NASA says that could lead to new space-based systems that are able to monitor air quality forharmful gases in neighborhoods and individual power plants.‘‘When we recognize that these gasesare present and can localize their sources, we have the opportunity to take action and minimizenegative health outcomes," said Love, who is a task lead on the NACHOS project.In the past, NASA has created satellites to observe these kinds of gases.But Love said thosetraditionallyrequired high.resolution images and sensitive instruments that were costly to produceand operate.Smaller devices , like NACHOS, could enable a wider use of the technologyat a muchlower cost.If it proves successful, the technology could also be used in Earth-based systems, NASAsays.Love and his team expect NACHOS to orbit our planet for about a year.“That will give usenough time to test our instrument design and gather enough test data to ensure our technologyconcept is reasonable ,”Love said.“Morepower and less weight set NACHOS apart and make it anexcellent candidate for future atmospherictrace gas missions.”8.Why was the instrument NACHOS launched?A.To control emissionof SO2and NO2.B.To orbit our planet for about a year.C.To help predict the volcano eruptions.D.To resupply the InternationalSpace Station.9.What does the underlined word“That ”in paragraph 3 refer to?A.The launch of NACHOS.B.The detectable seismic activity.C.The gas emissions of volcanoes.D.The technology concept of the design.10.What will be done once the harmful gases are detected?A.To collect the harmful gases.B.To find a shelter in power plants.C.To change the orbit of the instrument.D.To try to reduce the bad effect on health.11.Which of the following might Love agree with about NACHOS?A.It is highly cost.B.It needs more power.C.It is a promising instrument.D.It has proved the technology successful.DOn March 9, 2022, two manatees (海牛) arrived at the Aquarium's off-site Animal CareFacility from SeaWorld Orlando for ongoing care until they are healthy enough for release back intothe wild.The orphaned young manatees ,an approximately 160 -pound male and 175 -pound female,were rescued in December and have received rehabilitative( 康复的) care.at SeaWorld Orlandosince then.The female was only 124 pounds when she was found suffering from cold stress in BlueSprings, Florida.The male was found near a Port St.John, Florida power plant with a deceasedfemale, most likely his mother, and was only 126 pounds.The two are now stable and have movedto the next phase of their recovery.In 2021,1,101 manatees died, primarily from starvation due to loss of seagrass in the IndianRiver Lagoon, a result of pollution and ongoing water quality issues.As of March 2022, over 400manatees have already died.Other challenges manatees face include cold stress and boat strikes.The MRP is a cooperative group of communities dedicated to the rescue, rehabilitation, release ,and monitoring of manatees.As part of this partnership, Georgia Aquarium designated additionalrehabilitation areas at its Animal Care Facility, which offers new life support systems, access to medical care and monitoring,and large enough space.This facility is an additional recovery carespace for manatees until they are healthy enough for release, and for other animals in need ofrehabilitation or quarantine(隔离).The manatees being cared for by Georgia Aquarium will not be on display to the public.Vice president of zoological operations at Georgia Aquarium, Eric Gaglione, explained theAquarium' s involvement with manatees ,“Georgia Aquarium has been involved in manatee researchand health assessmentsfor several years, but this is the first time we have manatees under our care.We are honored to join our colleagues in the Manatee Rescue and Rehabilitation Partnership andgive these two orphaned manatees a fighting chance.Manatees are in crisis, and it is our role as aresponsible aquarium(水族馆) to do everything we can to change their fate in the wild.”Once the manatees have reached sufficient size and become healthy enough to survive on theirown,they will be returned to the care facility at SeaWorld Orlando before being released back intothe wild.12.What was the matter with the female manatee?A.She was in lack of food.B.She was attacked by a shark.C.She was struck by ships.D.She was dying because of cold.13.What mainly caused the manatees endangered according to the passage?A.The epidemic deseases of sea animals.B.The environmental pollution of the sea.C.People' s killing for commercial purpose.D.The great gene changes of the manatees.14.Whatcan we know about Georgia Aquarium?A.It is an organization raising mantees for sale.B.It is an organization dealing with ocean pollution.C.It is a place where manatees are shown to the public.D.It is a place where manatees are cared before being released.15.What can we learn from Eric Gaglione' s words?A.Saving the manatees is their social responsibility.B.A lot of manatees have been saved by them for years.C.They will improve the living conditions of the manatees.D.Georgia Aquarium will release the two manatees into the wild.第二节(共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选山可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Getting into a new place to live is a very exciting time.16 Having a place to call your owngives you a great feeling of independence.The question that arises when looking for an apartment orhome to live in is,"“Is it better to rent or lease.”Both options have advantages and disadvantages.17Renting is a simple process that usually does not require the person to stay in that space for aspecific length of time.In California, and in most states, this is called a month-to-month rentalagreement.18The property owner is also likely to ask for a security or cleaning deposit, orboth.The advantage of a month-to-month rental is that the renter can get out of the agreement bysimply giving the owner a one-month notice to vacate(搬离).19If the owner asks the renter toleave, all he or she has to do is lo ask the renter to vacate in 30 days.A lease worksa bit differently.It' s usually signed for one year, soboth the renter and thelandlord agree to a pre-determined length of time the renter will occupythe unit.20After that,it works much like renting.There are consequences on the partof both parties if the lease isterminated(终止) early though, so it is better to wait your lease out than to terminate it early.A.The same applies to the owner.B.This is especially true if the person is a first-time renter.C.More information about renting and lease can be easily found on internet.D.The best way to make this decision is to base it on your own personal situation.E.The new renter has to ensure the flat is in good condition when the time is due.F.A landlord will generally require the new renter to pay two months of rent in advance.G.The renter signs a contract agreeing not to move out of the home for the one-year period.第二部分语言运用(共两节, 满分30分)第一节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Deirdre Taylor, a nurse ,is working on the front lines of the coronavirus pandemic and finally21 with the firefighter, who pulled her out of a burning building nearly 40 years ago.When Taylor traveled to New York to help22COVID-19 patients, she went with the hopes of racking down the fireman who saved her lie Taylor thought she would23get thechance to thank the man for his bravery.Back in 1983, Taylor24the front page of the newspaper alongside Eugene Pugliese, theFDNY member who rescued her from a burning building."I always knew I came25to losingmy life that day,"Taylor told CNN.“Without him, I wouldn't be here.I had a second26atlife, thanks to him.”While her previous online searches turnedout27,the 40-year- old mother of two broughtthe newspaper article to New York28she fnally got a chance to connect with Pugliese.“I didn't know if he was still alive,29after Sept.11,"Taylor told the NY Daily News.“Part of me thought I waited too30to track him down." But during one of her long shifts atNYU Langone Hospital in Brooklyn, she31_ her story to a FDNYcaptain, who, as32would haveit,33worked with Pugliese." He had Pugliese' s phone number and Pugliesehas34because of age.I didn't think I was going to be able to track him down.”After 38 years, Taylor finally spoke to Pugliese on the phone and35him for saving herlife.21.A.metB.reunitedC.quarreledD.cooperated22.A.inspireB.comfortC.treatD.challenge23.A.instantlyB.everC.easilyD.never24.A.madeB.wroteC.editedD.printed25.A.up B.downC.closeD.back26.A.chanceB.abilityC.courage D.clue27.A.validB.criticalC.emptyD.practical28.A.even ifB.so thatC.in caseD.now that29.A.graduallyB.suddenlyC.instantlyD.particularly30.A.eagerlyB.longC.hardD.patiently31.A.referredB.relayedC.simplifiedD.clarified32.A.wealthB.luckC.fameD.honor33.A.recentlyB.personallyC.permanentlyD.previously34.A.movedB.deceasedC.marriedD.retired35.A.thankedB.pleasedC.recognizedD.awarded第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Ghaliya works for a national newspaper in Indonesia.Shortly after the pandemic hit Jakarta,her newspaper started hearing from parents36 wanted their children to study online but lackeda way to use the internet.When the journalistsannounced their campaign to help these childrenthrough social media, the37 ( react) was overwhelming.Many people donated second-handphones, 38 others gave cash donations.In April, the journalists39 ( collect) more than 200 mobile phones and donations of morethan $ 35, 000.They used the money to buy more phones.They also paid for internet use for those needing it.40 ( current), nearly 300 phones have been given to students in and aroundJakarta.41 ( help) students take part in online schooling brings happiness to Ghaliya and herfriends.“We really hope the mobile phones can42 (use) as much as theycan during thepandemic ,”she said.Qayran Ruby Al Maghribi had been using his father' s mobile phone to attend 5 video43 (call) a week.But the 11-year -old boycouldn't attend classes and felt greatly.pressured when hisfather went to work.A big smile appeared on his face when he received the donated mobile phone."“Now I see him44 ( comfortable) than before, and he can directly reach out45 hisfriends and teacher ,”Sayuti said.第三部分写作(共两节,满分40分)第一节(满分15分)假定你是新华中学学生会主席李华,你校和英国某中学是友好学校。你将应邀参加该校“孔子课堂"成立仪式,并发表演讲。请你写一篇英文发言稿,内容包括:1.表示祝贺;2.简要介绍孔子及其贡献;3.愿意提供帮助并为两校文化交流做出贡献。注意:1.词数80左右,开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数;2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。参考词汇:孔子Confucius; 儒家思想Confucianism;孔子课堂Confucius Class
Dear friends ,I' m Li Hua, chairman of the Students' Union of Xin HuaMiddle School.I' m greatly honoredto deliver a speech here.
第二节(满分25分)阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。注意:1.续写词数应为150左右;2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。These days, Marathon des Sables runners carry a GPS tracking device and helicopters monitortheir path to make sure no one gets lost, but when Mauro, a police officer , participated for the firsttime in 1994, there were no such safeguards in place.When you ’re running through the largestdesert on Earth, one wrong turncan cost you your life.Mauro Prosperi did just that during theMarathon des Sables, a six-day ultramarathon that many regard as the toughest foot race in theworld.The race was almost 156 miles long, taking runners across sand dunes ( 沙丘) with few naturalsources of water.Temperatures in the Sahara could reach as high as 122 degrees Fahrenheit, andeach runner carried over 20 pounds of food, water, and emergency supplies on their backs.Most ofthese runners wouldn't end up finishing the race,which was about the same length as six regularmarathons.That was how, on the fourth and longest day of the race, the runner Mauro encountered asevere sandstorm that turned him around and sent him wildly off course.He spent eight hours waiting out the storm, huddled in a sand dune.The next morning, heexpected to see rescuers heading his way.Instead, all he saw was desert in all directions.“Afterrunning for about four hours, I climbed up a dune and still couldn't see anything," he said.“That's when I knew I had a big problem.”A search party was organized to find Mauro, but rescuers had no idea he had been so far offcourse.Twice a helicopter circled over his head, and twice they didn't see him wildly wavingatthem from below.He sent up his only flare (照明弹) and even set his backpack on fire hoping tocatch their attention,but it was no use.When Mauro' s water ran out, he began drinking his own urine.He found amarabout shrine,anancient building that once served as a tomb.He lo shelterfrom the sun'srays there, drinkingthe blood of bats.
With his energyrunning out,he thought," I am bound to die here”.After beingtreated in thehospital for weakness, he made a fullrecovery!
参考答案及评分标准第一部分阅读(共两节,满分50)第一节(共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)1-3AAD4-7ABBC 8 -11 CCDC 12-15 DBDA第二节(共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)16- 20 BDFAG第二部分语言运用(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)21-25 BCDAC26-30 ACCDB 31-35 BBDDA第二节(共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分)36. who/that37.reaction38. and/while39. collected40.Currently41. Helping/Tohelp 42. be used43. calls44. more comfortable第三部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)第一节(满分15分)One Possible Version:Dear friends,I’m Li Hua, chairman of the Students' Union of Xin Hua Middle School. I' m greatly honoredto deliver a speech here.First of all, I would like to warmly congratulate the establishment of Confucius Classroom. Bornin the Spring and AutumnPeriod in ancient China, Confucius is well-known as a great Chinesethinkerand educator.His philosophy, called Confucianism, attached great importanceto self-cultivation,harmonious relationships and respect for the elderly.He was a greatteacher as wellandpromoted education for ordinary people. Over the last 2000 years, his philosophyhas influencedChina and the rest of the world.Iwill do whatever I can to promote the cultural-exchangebetween us.Thank you.一、应用文评分细则1.本题总分为15分,分五个档次进行评分。2.评分时应主要从内容组织、词汇语法和篇章结构三个方面考虑。具体为:(1)对于内容要点的覆盖情况以及表述的清楚程度和合理性。(2)使用词汇和语法结构的准确性、恰当性和多样性。(3)上下文的衔接和全文的连贯性。3.评分时(先根据作答的整体情况初步确定其所属档次,然后以该档次的要求来综合衡量确定或调整档饮,最后给分。4.评分时还应注意:(1)词数少于60或多于100的,从总分中减去2分。(2)单词拼写和标点符号是写作规范的重要方面,评分时应视其对交际的影响程度予以考虑,英美拼写及词汇用法均可接受。书写较差,以至影响交际的将分数降低一个档次。二、各档次的给分范围和要求第五档:(13-15)能写明全部要点,语言基本无误,行文连贯,表达无误。第四档:(10-12) 能写明全部或绝大部分要点,语言有少量错误,行文不够连贯,表达基本清楚。第三档:(7-9)能写出基本要点,语言虽有较多错误,但能基本达意。第二档:(4-6)能写出部分要点,语言错误多,影响意思表达。第一档:(1-3)只能写出一两个要点,里面错误很多,只有个别句子正确。第二节(满分25分One possible version:With his energy running out, he thought,"I am bound to die here". Feeling exhausted anddesperate, Mauro left a goodbye note to his wifeon the wallof the tomb and prepared to meet hisuntimely end. But at the thought of his familyintheremote city, he woke up with new resolve anddecided to face the challenge himself.So Mauro set off once more and hunted for insets and snakesto eat. By coincidence,Maurowalked into the camp of a nomadictribe.They to him in and gave him goat' s milkand mint tea, eventually delivering him to safety.After being in thehospital for weakness, he made a full recovery! His survival story is ajourneyof desperation and almost superhuman endurance!Most people would nervesset foot in thedesert again after such an experience, but not Mauro.Incredibly,he has now run the Marathon desSables more than six times ! Mauro' s story reminds us that perseverance can help us push throughjust aboutanything life throws at us! In spite ofthe bad situation ,he found a way to carry on.