





第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)




1.What are these two people talking about?

A.A lightweight shirt.B.Things to wear.C.The warm weather..

2.What is the woman"s job?


3.How is the man getting to work?

A.Riding.B.By bus.C.Driving.

4.What does the man mean?

A.The woman"s uncle will come for a visit.

B.He thinks the woman should visit her uncle.

C.He asks the woman to go over to his place.

5.What will the weather in Arizona be like in the coming week?

A.Rainy.B.Warm.C.A bit cold.




6.What lipstick did the woman expect to buy?

A.Lyfel, dark shade.B.Lyfel, pink shade.C.Lyfel, bright shade.

7.Why does the woman want to change the color of her lipstick?

A.To be cool.B.To be serious.C.To be attractive.

8.How about the lipstick the woman took in the end?

A.Its color is suitable but is very expensive.

B.Its color is right though it is not Lyfel brand.

C.Its color isn"t right but its brand is Lyfel.


9.Why is it easier for the woman to learn English?

A.She often talks to English people.

B.She speaks two languages already.

C.She always does her homework right after class.

10.Which of the following is suggested by the woman to be a good way of learning English?

A.Reading newspapers.

B.Writing diaries.

C.Reading aloud in the morning.

11.Why is it difficult for the man to lean English?

A.He doesn"t talk to his English teachers.B.There are no native speakers around him.

C.He is too shy to speak English.


12.How does the man get information about the apartment?

A.From TV advertisements.B.From advertisements in the newspapers.

C.From radio advertisements.

13.How many rooms has the apartment got?

A.Four B.Five C.Six

14.How much will the man pay for the rent per month if he wants to include management and parking as well?



15.What is the woman afraid of when she takes her trips?

A.Taking a voyage.B.Taking a train.C.Taking a flight.

16.What transportation can you infer the man prefers?


17.What"s the probable relationship between the two speakers?

A.Husband and wife.B.Teacher and student.C Friends.


18.What was Miss Richards?

A.A chemistry teacher.

B.A physics teacher.

C.A science teacher.

19.How did Miss Richards feel before Dick answered her question?

A.Disappointed and unhappy.

B.Angry and annoyed.


20.What can we learn from the passage?

A.Dick was the top student in class.

B.The students were active in class.

C.Miss Richards was rather patient.

第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节, 满分35分)


21.David _____ headmaster of our school, was elected by voting and the other leaders were chosen in ______ same way as him.

A./; the B.the; a C./; a D.a; the

22.If you love both of your children, I don’t understand why you give so much to one and not ______.

A.another B.the other C.other D.the one

23.There are three methods for solving the problem and we can choose the one that causes _____ damage to the environment.

A.little B.the less C.least D.the least

24.Faced with the police’s question, he refused to answer, because he ______ not to answer any question by his manager.

A.has been warned B.was being warned

C.had been warned D.would be warned

25.—How will you ______ yourself after you retire?

—I intend to get into golf to spend the rest of my life.

A.occupy B.associate C.charge D.devote

26.The scientists say that temperatures in the Amazon region will rise ______ two to three degrees by 2050.

A.by B.at C.to D.from

27.—Do you like the main character in this film?

— Yes,______! There can’t be a more handsome man in the world.

A.approximately B.absolutely C.probably D.consequently

28.If there’s any ______ about the rocket’s engine, we ought to cancel the plan.

A.curiosity B.worry C.doubt D.anxiety

29.—What would you wish to do if you were a college student again?

—That’s very hard to say, but I wish I ______ biology.

A.haven’t studied B.hadn’t studied

C.didn’t study D.don’t study

30.—Honey, do you want anything special for your birthday?

—No, nothing ______.

A.in theory B.in practice C.in particular D.in common

31.In a new school, there is a lot ______ students will have to adapt in a short time.

A.of which B.of what C.to which D.to that

32.The practical advice for people with lung disease is to ______ smoking entirely.

A.test out B.watch out C.take out D.cut out

33.He woke up from a terrible dream only ______ that he was in another strange country.

A.to tell B.having told

C.having been told D.to be told

34.—Susan, I feel depressed for a long time.

—Oh, take it easy.Everything will be fine ______.

A.at the time B.in time C.on time D.all the time

35.The news is spreading ______ a party will be held in the open air tomorrow.

A.whether B.when C.where D.that

第二节 完型填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)


Many years ago, I worked in an office in Halifax .We had large 36 overlooking a busy street.I stood by one of them one day, when a woman in a passing car 37 and made eye contact—naturally, I 3 8 .

It was the beginning of making others happy.When things were 39 , I stood in the window and waved at the passengers who looked up and this made me smile —work 40 was washed away.

Late afternoon was the 41 time rush-hour traffic filled the street with cars and buses.After waving became 42 , I tried to improve my act.I made signs: “Hi!”, “Hello!”, and “Be Happy!” I 43 them in the window and waved.

44 Day approached.Job cuts were announced.Several co – workers would 45 their jobs.Stress reached a high point .Everyone was 46 .We needed to do something to beak the tension (紧张状态).

While working one night, a red jacket 47 my attention.I used my 48 and turned it into a Santa’s costume the net day my co-workers gathered around me and 49 for the first time in weeks.Just then my boss passed by.He looked up, saw me, shook his head and left.

I thought I 50 trouble.Soon my boss phoned me: “Mike, come to my office!” When in his office, I felt very nervous.“Mike …” Tears 51 in his eyes, as I sat silent and confused.When he regained 52 , he said, “Thanks, Mike! With the job cuts, it’s been hard to enjoy the Charismas.Thanks for the laugh, I 53 it.”

That evening, and every evening of the Christmas season, I stood 54 in the window.People smiled at the strange Santa.My heart filled with joy, 55 I made those people smile after a long day at work.

36.A.doors B.windows C.rooms D.restaurants

37.A.speeded up B.broke down C.looked up D.pulled through

38.A.shouted B.hid C.left D.waved

39.A.important B.bad C.right D.slow

40.A.stress B.pleasure C.experience D.challenge

41.A.best B.hardest C.longest D.quickest

42.A.encouraging B.embarrassing C.moving D.boring

43.A.saw B.read C.posted D.painted

44.A.Labor B.Christmas C.Thanksgiving D.National

45.A.lose B.seek C.finish D.take

46.A.terrified B.satisfied C.depressed D.exhausted

47.A.relaxed B.drew C.deserved D.escaped

48.A.imagination B.relation C.experience D.strategy

49.A.spoke B.laughed C.acted D.returned

50.A.took B.forgot C.caused D avoided

51.A.fell B.formed C.dried D.disappeared

52.A.confidence B.balance C.control D.strength

53.A.needed B.knew C.accepted D.chose

54.A.luckily B.eagerly C.proudly D.naturally

55.A.but B.because C.although D.if




He grew up playing in the narrow, crowded streets of Manhattan ’s Chinatown .He has lived and worked there for all his 61 years.But as Wee Wong walks the neighborhood these days, he cannot understand half the Chinese conversations he hears.“I can’t even order food on East Broadway,” he said, “they don’t speak English; I don’t speak Putonghua.I’m just as lost as everyone else.” Cantonese, a dialect from southern China that has dominated the Chinatowns of North America for decades, is being rapidly swept aside by Mandarin, the national language of China and the lingua franca of most of the latest Chinese immigrants.

The change can be heard in the neighborhood’s lively restaurants and solemn church services, in parks, street markets and language schools.It has been accelerated by Chinese-American parents, including many who speak Cantonese at home, as they urge their children to learn Putonghua for the advantages it could bring as China ’s influence grows in the world.

But the eclipse (黯然失色) of Cantonese — in New York, China and around the world — has become a challenge for older people who speak only that dialect and face increasing isolation unless they learn Putonghua or English.Though Cantonese and Putonghua share nearly all the same written characters, the pronunciations are vastly different; when spoken, Putonghua may be incomprehensible (不可理解的) to a Cantonese speaker.

With Putonghua’s popularity has come a reorganization of power in Chinese-American communities, where the recent immigrants are gaining economic and political power, said Peter Kwong, a professor of Asian-American studies at Hunter College .

“The fact of the matter is that you have a whole generation switch, with very few people speaking only Cantonese,” he said.The Cantonese-speaking populace (人口) , he added, “is not the player anymore.” The switch mirrors a big change under way in China .

56.According to the first paragraph, Wee Wong ______.

A.is very fond of Putonghua B.is lost on East Broadway

C.can’t understand Chinese at all D.can speak both English and Cantonese

57.The underlined word “It” in Paragraph 2 probably refers to ______.

A.China’s influence B.Chinese conversation

C.the national language of China D.the rise of Putonghua

58.Chinese-American parents urge their children to learn Putonghua so as to ______.

A.follow the current fashion

B.make Putonghua more popular

C.have an opportunity to work in China

D.make them adapt of the new situation

59.What difference will Putonghua’s popularity make?

A.Few people would like to learn Cantonese.

B.More and more Americans begin to learn Putonghua.

C.New immigrants’ influence is becoming significant.

D.Putonghua will become the most widely used language in the world.

60.The underlined word “isolation” in Paragraph 3 probably means _____.

A.loneliness B.competition C.change D.choice


The furred or hairy sea mammals such as seals have a variety of interesting adaptations that permit them to spend a long time under water, sometimes at considerable depths.However, they rise frequently to breathe and emerge from the ocean to sleep and relax on a sandy beach, rock, floating ice or snow cave above the water.Diving tends to be used for hunting purposes.

The situation is less clear for whales, sea cows and manatees.The whales evolved from land animals that returned to the sea millions of years ago.Though whales come to the surface to breathe air into their lungs, they can spend a remarkably long time between breaths, up to an hour in some species, and spend nearly all their lives under water.

However, whales learned to hold their breath so well that they lost their involuntary breathing mechanism (无意识的呼吸功能) and must be conscious to continue to breathe.Not only will a reflex (本能反应)have to take care of breathing, it will have to take them to the surface for air.Also, the blow hole (鲸头顶的呼吸孔) automatically closes and must be opened voluntarily by the whale.Whales would drown if they fell asleep or were knocked unconscious.They must think about each breath.It cannot have an unconscious sleep as we know it.“There are theories that the whale has the ability to rest half of the brain and control breathing functions with the other half, but they are just theories.” Said Mr.Walsh, director of marine mammal training at the Aquarium for Wildlife Conservation in Coney Island, Brooklyn .

Sea cows and manatees tend to live in warm, calm, shallow, vegetation-rich waters where they can float lazily at or near the surface.They do not expend much energy to control body temperature and require little oxygen.They may sleep or rest supported by the bottom of their body.When they hold their breath, large blubber deposits and natural buoyancy (鲸脂层和自然浮力) let them float at the surface and engage in a resting behavior, though not an unconscious sleep.

6 1 .What is the passage mainly about?

A.Ocean animals’ hunting skills.

B.Typical endangered ocean animals.

C.How sea mammals sleep.

D.How animals float.

6 2 .Which of the following animals can have a deep sleep?

A.Seals.B.Whales C.Sea cows D.Manatees

6 3 .We can learn from Paragraph 3 that whales _________.

A.float near the surface to sleep

B.may not sleep at all

C.breathe in water

D.can have an unconscious sleep

6 4 .Mr.Walsh’s attitude towards the saying that the whale has the ability to rest half of the brain is ______.

A.curious B.positive C.doubtful D.opposed

6 5 .According to the last paragraph, sea cows ______.

A.should think about each breath

B.will choke if they fall asleep

C.usually sleep in deep water

D.mainly live at or near the surface


A tall Irish American Greg Quinn walks into your office, puts a drinking glass on the desk, and pours out a cup of a deep-purple juice from currants (醋栗).

“This stuff used to be illegal,” he says.“We’re the guys who got the law changed.Four times the vitamin C of orange juice… Try it.”

As a farmer and juice maker, Greg Quinn has big plans for this super-fruit, which can improve night vision, lower blood pressure and manage pain.The ban on planting currants was lifted(解禁) in 1966, but as of the 21 st century, 12 states still had restrictions.Among them was New York .

Quinn went to New York and began knocking on doors.He returned once a week, walking the halls, leaving his business cards, and begging for appointments.But he made little headway(进展)—until one day, a Wall Street Journal reporter interviewed him for a story.Six months later, a la w was passed, allowing currant farming.

Quinn ordered seedlings(幼苗) from Canada and started planting.Because of its strong, sharp smell, the black currant was nearly always processed rather than eaten as a fruit.Juice seemed like the best option for reaching the most customers.

Quinn started importing black currant juice to kick-start the market.Working with New Zealand growers, he combined varieties to develop a bottled juice called Currant C.Now into its fourth year, Currant C is making money.

Down the road, Quinn would like to look deeper into all the health benefits of the black currant.“It’s a super-fruit,” he says.“I’ve got to keep spreading the word here.It’s just too good to keep it a secret.

6 6.Which of the following is NOT a benefit of currants?

A.Lowering blood pressure.

B.Decreasing vitamin C content.

C.Improving night vision.

D.Managing pain.

6 7.To let customers accept the black currant, Greg Quinn ______.

A.sold the fruit to people

B.developed seedlings widely in New York

C.advertised it in the newspaper and on TV

D.processed it in the form of juice

6 8.What directly helped pass a law allowing currant farming in New York?

A.He consulted the government

B.He left his business cards everywhere.

C.He begged for appointments

D.He was interviewed by a journalist

69 .What can we infer from the passage?

A.The black currant is the best fruit in the world.

B.Currant farming in New Zealand is still forbidden.

C.Quinn cares a lot about the research of the black currant.

D.Quinn often receives interviews for his new products.

70 .Which word can we use to describe Greg Quinn best?

A.Determined B.Optimistic

C.Proud D.Selfish


The public has voted the X-ray machine as the best invention.Out of nearly 50,000 votes cast, one in five people named it for having made the greatest impact on the past, present and future.

Ten of the most significant objects in science, engineering, technology and medicine were selected for the vote.

Information on all the items is found at the Science Museum in London .

The first three positions were filled by medical inventions or discoveries, the X-ray machine being followed by the discoveries of penicillin and the DNA double helix(螺旋) structure.

X-rays provided the first possibility of looking inside someone"s body without cutting them open— a massive medical advance.

The particular X-ray machine in question — the Reynolds machine in the Museum"s Making the Modern World Gallery — was a "do-it-yourself" experiment by a father and son who were so inspired by news of the discovery of the X-ray that they set about building the equipment in their own home.

Museum curator (馆长) Katie Maggs said: "It"s very inspirational to budding scientists to learn that an invention now declared the most important in world history could be pioneered by enthusiastic amateur inventors."

Professor Andy Adam, president of the Royal College of Radiologists, was delighted to learn of the result.

He said the X-ray machine had revolutionized medical practice and that the technology had now advance so much that we are reaching the era of the "transparent patient".

Culture Secretary Ben Bradshaw said: "Any competition that pits the Apollo 10 spacecraft against Stephenson"s Rocket, and the DNA double helix against the Model T Ford, is bound to provide many talking points.

"The public"s choice of the X-ray machine as the winner is testament to our insatiable curiosity to find out how things work."

The poll(投票) was conducted as part of the Science Museum"s events to mark its centenary.The 10 objects form a special Centenary Journey trail through the museum galleries.

71 .According to the results of the vote, which of the following are on the t op three among inventions or discoveries?

A.X-ray machine, Apollo 10 capsule and steam engine.

B.X-ray machine, DNA double helix and penicillin.

C.Stephenson’s Rocket, penicillin and the Model T Ford.

D.Stephenson’s Rocket, Apollo 10 capsule and V2 Rocket Engine.

72.Which of the following is TRUE about the X-ray machine in the Fallery?

A.It was made by the Reynolds Machine Company.

B.It was a product directed by great scientists.

C.It was built by a father and his son in their own home.

D.It was small in size and advanced in technology.

73 .From the underlined part we know Professor Andy Adam means ______.

A.the X-ray machine has greatly improved medical practice

B.the patients are all transparent in the eyes of doctors

C.with the help of the X-ray machine, everything is transparent

D.there is no need to cut someone’s body open during operations now

74 .Which of the following can be the best title of the passage?

A.Top ten inventions of this century

B.The most important discoveries

C.What makes patients transparent

D.X-rays —top scientific invention

7 5 .This passage is most probably taken from ______.

A.a science fiction B.a school textbook C.a news magazine D.a medicine journal


第一节 阅读表达(共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分)


Through the Internet you can easily communicate with your clients and friends.A few decades ago, emails were considered to be the preferred mode of communication through the Internet.However, chatting has become so common that there are plenty of instant messaging programs and social networking sites, and popular email services are providing inbuilt chat feature.The world is now on your monitor as it allows you to __________ regardless of their location and time.Famous companies also provide live chat support to solve the questions of the customers and provide technical support.

Free chat rooms are virtual rooms available through popular chatting sites that let you communicate with other people.There are plenty of rooms to choose from, such as trade, parenting, hobbies, teenagers, etc.these rooms are always filled with people from different parts of the world.Although it is very easy to start a conversation with anyone in the room, there are few important communication standards that would help improve your business or relation.Online etiquette(礼仪) matters a lot while you’re chatting.You definitely need to choose good and appropriate wording to talk with others in the chat room.

It is true that free chat rooms fascinate a lot of people, but, in contrast, with this liberty and freedom, you can never go beyond certain limitations.You should read the terms thoroughly before you get started.You can start with asking a question and this is quite a simple practice.This is quite popular and will surely result in getting good information from your friends and clients.Moreover, it is also considered that asking questions directly will assure you a direct answer.So it is a best practice to create your own free chat rooms and encourage many of your friends and clients to start a topic of discussion and build a chain of network community.You can surely get important information and this will be quite reliable and trustworthy.Further, it is really important to find good people in chat rooms and this will be a very good online investment as you gain good recognition from others.

76.What writing skill does the author use in Paragraph 1? (no more than 5 words)

__________________________________________________________________________ _

77.Give a definition(定义) of free chat rooms.(no more than 20 words)


78.Fill in the blank in Paragraph 1.(no more than 4 words)

________________________________________________ ______________________________

79.What is most important while chatting online according to paragraph 2? (no more than 4 words)

__________________________________________________ ____________________________

80.What’s the advantage of owning your own chat room? (no more than 10 words)

_________________________________________________ _____________________________

第二节 书面表达(满分30分)





参考词汇: 雾霾:haze; 口罩:mask


1.词数: 120-150


______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________


第一部分: 1~5.BBCBA 6~10.ABBBA 11~15.CBACC 16~20.BCCAC s5u


21.A 22.B 23.D 24.C 25.A 26.A 27.B 28.C 29.B 30.C 31.C 32.D 33.D 34.B 35.D 36.B 37.C 38.D 39.D 40.A 41.A 42.D 43.C 44.B 45.A 46.C 47.B 48.A 49.B 50.C 51.B 52.C 53.A 54.C 55.B 56.D 57.D 58.D 59.C 60.A 61.C 62.A 63.B 64.C 65.D 66.B 67.D 68.D 69.C 70.A 71.B 72.C 73.A 74.D 75.C


第一节 阅读表达(共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分)

76.Making comparisons[--copyurl--].77.[/--copyurl--]They are virtual rooms available through popular chatting sites that let peope communicate with others网址未加载 with anyone/anybody79.online etiquette

80.You can get reliable and trustworthy information.

第二节 书面表达(满分30分)

One possible version:

Recently, many cities of China have been blanketed in haze, causing sever healthy problems to people.I have some suggestions for you when you meet such weather.

Firstly, stay at home in such weather.Don’t go to the public places.When you must go outside, remember to wear a mask, which is helpful to prevent the pollution.Secondly, don’t open the windows before the bad weather becomes better, because the air outside is very dirty.Last but not the least, eat more vegetables and less meat, which can make your body strong.

This is what I think is useful to our body.So long as you are careful enough, you can reduce the chance to be affected by haze.


Text 1

W: What kind of dress are you looking for?

M: Since it"s getting warmer this time of the year, I want something lightweight.What do you think would be the best?

Text 2

M: I must say, Miss, the food was great and I"ve never had better service.

W: Well, thank you, sir.I"ll pass your praise on to the cook and the man ager.And thanks too for the tip.

Text 3

W: I"ve to go to Washington this afternoon, but I"m too tired to drive and the bus is so uncomfortable.

M: No problem.I"ll save you the cost of a taxi by dropping you off at the train station on my way to work.

Text 4

W: I have been thinking about my uncle a lot these days.

M: Why not go over for a visit?

Text 5

W: Good morning, can I help you?

M: Yes, I"d like to know something about the weather in Arizona in the coming week.

W: Well, it will be fairly hot and there will be much rain.

M: I see.Thanks very much for your help.

Test 6

M: Welcome, Miss.May I help you?

W: I hope so.I want a lipstick.

M: Do you have any particular brand in mind?

W: I like Lyfel very much.

M: We have different shades of Lyfel lipstick.May I know what color you usually wear?

W: Pink.But today, I"m thinking of buying one in a dark shade.You know, I will be a teacher next month.I wish to look more serious.

M: Yes, I see.How do you like this one?

W: Not too bad.May I have a try?

M: Certainly, Miss.

W: Mmm… It"s still too bright.Any darker shades?

M: Not from the Lyfel group, I"m afraid.

W: Well, any brand will do as long as I can get the right color.

M: How about this one, then? It has more transparent touch.

W: OK, that’ the very thing I need.

Test 7

M: It"s so hard for me to learn English.Why is it so easy for you?

W: I didn"t know you were having problems.Maybe it"s easier for me because I already speak two languages.But also, I really work at it.

M: Well, I always do my homework and go to classes.What else do you think would help?

W: Well, you might try reading newspapers.And I always talk to Americans when I get a chance, though sometimes it’s hard.

M: But, how do you meet Americans? I only know other foreign students.

W: How about sitting next to an American at lunch, or have you ever thought of asking someone over to your house for dinner?

M: Those are good ideas.But I" m a little shy to speak English.

W: You won"t learn if you don’t try and speak.If I were you, I"d talk to your English teacher.He might have some good ideas.

Test 8

M : Hello, my name’s David Parker .I"m calling about the apartment advertised in the paper.Can you tell me something about it?

W: Yes, it’s a one-bedroom apartment, with a living room, a kitchen, a bathroom and a balcony.

M: Where is it located?

W: It"s on Montreal Road .

M: Is it furnished?

W: Yes, it is furnished with sofas, a dining table, chairs and some ap pliances.

M: How much is the rent?

W: It’s five hundred dollars per month, including utilities.

M: You mean gas, electricity and heat?

W: Yes, that"s right.

M: Is there anything like management fee or parking fee?

W: The management fee is included in the rent.But parking is fifty dollars a month.

M: Can I come and have a look at it today?

W: Yes, how about one o"clock this afternoon?

M: One o"clock sounds fine.See you then.

W: See you.

Text 9

M: Are you looking forward to your trip to Canada , Susan?

W: I can’t wait to see Canada , Jason, but I" m scared stiff of the journey.My husband insists on flying, but I want to sail.Planes make me nervous.

M: There"s nothing to be frightened of.How many planes fly across the Atlantic every day?

W: I"ve no idea.Hundreds, I suppose.

M: And how often do you hear of a crash? Once or twice a year?

W: Yes, but aero—planes fly so high and fast that once is enough.

M: There are more road accidents per day than air deaths per year.Air transport is really safe compared with road transport.

W: I still prefer to go by sea.Ships may not travel fast but as least you can relax.I"d love a trip on a luxury liner like the Queen Elizabeth II.

M: It"s fine if you"re a good sailor, but have you ever traveled far in a rough sea?

W: No.I"ve only been in a boat once.I sailed down the River Thames on a sightseeing tour, but in any case I"d rather be sea — sick than dead.

Test 10

Hello, everyone.I"d like to tell you a story about Miss Richards.

Miss Richards was a teacher at a school for boys and girls.She taught chemistry and physics from the lowest to the highest classes in the school.Sometimes the new classes learned rapidly, but sometimes they were very slow, and then Miss Richards had to repeat things many times.

One year, the first class had been studying chemistry for several weeks when Miss Richards suddenly asked, "What is water? Who knows? Hands up."

There was silence for a few seconds, and Miss Richards felt sad but then one boy raised his hand.

"Yes, Dick?" said Miss Richards encouragingly.He was not one of the brightest students in the class, so she was glad this boy could answer.

"Water is a liquid which has no color until you wash your hands in it, then it turns black," the boy replied.